It’s obvious that this past fall and winter have been a bit warmer, and for many it’s a love or hate kind of thing.
Many, including myself, hate this weather. One day its sunny and 65 degrees, and the same time the following day, its 30 degrees and snowing outside. It really grinds my gears.
Several weeks back, I competed in the sectional tournament for wrestling at Hamilton High School. On the beautiful Friday afternoon driving out there, I had the windows down, music up and driving shorts and a sweatshirt comfortably.
Several hours later, I’m leaving the arena with an umbrella (which did nothing) and running to my car from the severe rain fall. Within those couple hours, it rained six inches and I couldn’t even see clearly on my way home.

The following morning, I’m outside scraping ice off my windshield and wearing pants and a heavy coat. It set a record as the temperature fluctuated so much during that single day.
Not to mention the lack of snow this past winter, which caused much hurt for local companies that thrive on the snowfall. A local company, Perfect North Slopes, released an article giving their input and lack of enthusiasm for this season from so little snow and warm weather.
It’s frustrating for someone to plan on a certain day to do whatever activity they choose, then have to work around that day because the weather drops or changes significantly. My mother had set a little get away for our family in a time span of three days, and it unfortunately only worked out for the entire family during those three days.
We left our house in decently comfortable weather conditions but on the car ride down it dropped 20 degrees in the 2-hour car ride. In the spring, you’d assume and expect good weather conditions and that’s what I planned for. Even with the radars, they were wrong. The weather was terrible and honestly miserable for my three-day stay.
With it being early March now, spring should be looking promising and warm weather in the future, but as the forecast looks ahead from the 12th-18th, it’s going to be bitterly cold and snowy. As another example, I was planning on recording a video with fellow classmate and former JV wrestler Tom Feldman for my upcoming article, but can’t do it next week because of the bad weather conditions.
My brother had commented on this topic too, saying, “Not being able to take Bentley (his son) to the park, or go hiking sucks because he loves do adventurous things, and for now we’re stuck inside watching movies.”
It’s odd with it being an El Nino year, which means that the temps for each season are significantly warmer than usual. It’s not global warming causing these weird shifts in the weather.
Another thing I observed is all the animals coming back from migration, and for the forecast provided for next week, it’s safe to say that they returned too early, and it will be cold for a while. This weather sucks.