Elder tennis is hoping to get off to a quick start this season and is looking to bounce back from last year. The Panthers are coached by Mark Lucas and Dan Finke. This is Lucas’s second year coaching here at Elder and he is eager to lead the Panthers to victory. The Panthers are led by senior team captains Danny Hurley and Joey Accurso who both have been playing tennis since freshman year.
A little recap of last season, the Panthers finished 7-11 overall and 2-4 in the GCL placing third. The Panthers won two tournaments including the Western Invitational tournament and the “D” Flight at the Coaches Classic.
At the conclusion of the season, Danny Hurley was named Honorable Mention for the Cincinnati Enquirer All-City All-Star Team, GCTCAA All-Star Team, and All GCL-South All-Star Team. Danny was also awarded the Captain’s Award, MVP, and the Silver Racquet Award (awarded to a junior who maintained a 3.75 GPA for all semesters and has lettered in tennis twice). Joey Accurso was also awarded the Most Improved Player.
This season, Joey Accurso plays first doubles alongside fellow captain Hurley. This is Joey’s second year on varsity and Danny’s third year. Both captains look to dominate all competition in their way this year as they look to be a force in doubles.

Thus far, the Panthers sit at 1-3 with a big win over Oak Hills. Some of the key players on the team are of course the team captains but also seniors Simon Needham, Charlie Garnet, Sam Halloran, and Morgan Weast.
I spoke to varsity captain Joey Accurso about the future of Elder tennis since there are so many seniors carrying the team.
“If I had to give you a name I guess Matthew Meade.” Meade is the only underclassman playing varsity at the moment, sitting at 1/2 singles along with senior Simon Needham. He is the only young phenom worthy of taking the throne of Elder tennis.
Accurso also spoke to me about some of the team goals. Accurso noted that the team is looking to compete against St. X. Also, they hope to just bounce back from last season’s 7-11 record and get back on track with a winning season.
I spoke to varsity tennis player Simon Needham about some important matches this season and how we look against the GCL.
“Some important matches are always GCL matches especially St. X. They pulled some pocket change together and built 18 new courts this year. We should beat LaSalle and St. X usually claims first. So we are hoping to tie with Moeller for second.”
The Panthers have a couple GCL matches coming up including this Tuesday the 10th against St. X at their new courts. The Panthers also look to protect home turf against the Lancers on Tuesday April 17th at the PAC.
With veteran seniors leading the way the Panthers are on track for a successful season.