Joe looking fresh

There is no other place on the internet where you can hear intelligent discussions about topics as varied as psychotic monkey’s and the professional video game industry within ten minutes of each other besides the Joe Rogan Experience. Joe Rogan Experience (or JRE) is a podcast where Joe invites interesting guests and has conversations with them about whatever comes to his mind. JRE is a fantastic podcast that has changed the whole podcast game and is a great place for humor, to learn about new things, and see things from a unique perspective.
Joe is a man of many trades. He is a comedian, a UFC commentator, and used to be the host of Fear Factor and a character in the sit-com News Radio. In order to
be a commentator and comedian you must have a good amount of charisma and conversational skills. Joe uses these conversational skills and charisma to engage in interesting conversations.
Joe’s podcast is not only entertaining but it is also enlightening. Joe invites people on the podcast that he believes will provide the most interesting conversations. He invites comedians, biologists, fishermen, actors, cooks, etc. He doesn’t care about the persons status either, he invited Roseanne on right after her controversy just so he could get to the bottom of what is going on. He has also had Alex Jones on several times even though he has gotten heavy heat for associating with him. He wants to make his own judgements about people and give his viewers the opportunity to see someone in a different light.

The Joe Rogan Experience changed the podcast game forever. Before JRE, podcasts were looked at like radio shows. There was commercials every few minutes and it was produced much more professionally. Joe just turned the camera and mic on and started talking and didn’t stop until the end of the podcast. There is no editing, just a raw conversation. This unprofessional style of recording has taken over the podcast scene and for good reason. No one wants to hear parts of conversation edited out and Joe capitalized on this.

Even with all that Joe does he still finds time to maintain and promote a healthy lifestyle. Joe is in fantastic physical condition in his 50s still doing MMA, hot yoga, lifting, and running on a daily basis. Joe also often has health experts on his podcast to promote a healthy lifestyle as well as improve his own lifestyle.
Joe Rogan produces unedited, intelligent, and interesting conversations and uploads them for the world to see. He has changed the podcast game and helps people think differently, laugh, and learn a thing or two while they are at it. Even though Joe very busy commentating UFC, doing comedy, and producing JRE episodes, he still makes time to work out and stay healthy. Joe is a sponge for information and because of his work ethic and mentality produces one of the best podcasts in the game and is an inspiration to many.