Zack Williams '20
How busy can a High Schooler really get
It is a very common thing for an adult to have a very busy, stressful life. Most adults are very busy and are nonstop doing something. Life is a very sacred thing and you only live once so take advantage of it as it goes.
It is a very rare sight to see a high school kid going nonstop every day, every hour, every minute. Yet this sight is someone who walks the halls of Elder High School.
Read more to find out who this man is and what his days consist of and why they are always so busy. He is the three sport athlete of Elder High School.
I am referring to a versatile human being named Michael Bittner. I wanted to know what it was like to be a three sport athlete at Elder and who else to get that insight from, but a tri-athlete himself. Michael is a student athlete and a senior at Elder. He puts family and friends before everything else and is very hardworking.
When it comes to Elder, academics come first and then the fun begins with him. He is a very fun kid who puts others first. The first sport we will talk to Michael about will be baseball. Michael loves being on the diamond.
When it comes to his favorite sport, it really just depends what season it is. Michael said, “baseball is Americas pastime.” This relates to him because his Grandpa played a big part in the pastime and was involved in it which kind of motivated Bitt to play the sport. He said, “My Grandpa played for the Brooklyn Dodgers.” The Brooklyn Dodgers were a big part of the history of baseball. He loves the coaching stuff and thinks baseball is lots of fun.
The next sport is basketball. The coolest part of basketball in Bitt’s opinion is how it is fifteen guys on a team can form a bond that is forever unbreakable. He loves the coaches and he has been with Coach Austing since he was young at Visitation. He has also been playing with some of the same kids sincea young age. He said, “Nothing’s better than a GCL game with your whole school behind you.”
Before we go on with the last sport which is football, there is a fun fact that Michael gave me that is pretty interesting. The only three sport athletes to play three sports for all four years at Elder are Billy O’ Connor, Michael Bittner and Danny Niemen. That is pretty cool to be one of so little on that list of beasts. Michael makes time for school friends and all three sports as you can see here.

Now on to football. Michael said “strapping up with the brothers and playing at the Pit”are the best parts about Elder Football. Friday nights are indescribable in the PIT for Bittner. He has seen himself develop more clearly in this sport on the field and off both physically and mentally. He has been coached greatly by Coach Ramsey and his learned so much from his son Peyton as well. To end it he said, “I can’t wait to put a ring on the finger, it’s getting lonely.”
When he does have free time he is a big Netflix guy and plays no video games at all. He is also the only senior that cannot drive. Being a three sport student athlete builds so much character. It exposes him to learning moments and hate. He is looked up to by so many and does not want to be seen as just an athlete, but a good guy on and off the court, diamond, and field. He wants to be seen as a friend and a student outside the lines.