The Pit with a Snowy Covering
Snow days, everyone loves them.
That call, either late at night or early in the morning, might just be the best call we could receive during the school year. Knowing that we get to sleep in, play in the snow, or stay inside and play Xbox all day.
It might be a given that everyone loves to sleep on their off days, but what I wanted to take a look at what else people do on the glorious snow days. These stories are 100% true. Prepare your minds.
The one person that I knew would do something productive on a snow day was Mr. Dickman. I got the chance to talk to him about what he does or tries to do on snow days and he said, “I usually start my day off with a morning run and it is the best because I can run down the middle of the street because no one is on the roads.” After he gets back, Mr. Dickman said he usually tries to go play outside with his kids and enjoy the time he has with them.
“After we play, I will put them down for a nap, throw on a movie, and drink a few afternoon beers. The strong lagers. The good winter beers,” said Dickman as he laughed and told me hopefully that can still be put in the article.
This is exactly what I was looking for when it came to the great activities some students and faculty do on snow days.
When I think about who in the school might have a great time or opportunity to enjoy the snow day, the first person who comes to mind is Tim Finely. If you don’t know Tim, he is a country boy who loves getting his hands dirty. He lives on a big piece of land with a lake and a quad and a big backyard. I got the chance to talk with Tim about what he does when he receives that call that we will be off. Tim told me, “I wake up as early as I do for school and shovel my driveway. After that I prepare for the big day.” Tim usually has people over to ski and sled off of ramps that they build in his backyard.
“I will drive my quad and have a rope attached to the back and have someone skiing holding on to it and have them fly down my hill and hit ramps and stuff,” said Tim laughing about some good times he has had. “We’ve already had a good amount of snow days so far and hopefully I can keep having people over to have some fun”.
Tim exemplifies the ideal way to take advantage of a snow day. Most people just like to lay around and do nothing and end up feeling more bored than they feel during the school day. If you are like Tim, you know you’re not going to get bored because there are endless opportunities out there.
For me, a snow day is a perfect chance for me to catch up on some sleep, but not sleep in too late. I usually call up a few guys, go out to eat (especially the new Canes’ since it’s now open) hang out with them, then come home and get the opportunity to dig into some of the movies and shows I’ve been wanting to watch on Netflix. I’m a huge movie person, so it is the perfect way to spend my day.
It is also a great chance to catch up on some homework and get some projects and other assignments that are due a few days down the road (or even the day of our snow day).
All in all, we each spend the day differently, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. But the cool thing about writing this article was that I got to ask around and see who does what and honestly, I learned a few things about some people that I might not knew about if I didn’t do this article.
The power of a snow day is endless.
Make friends. Make Memories. It is as simple as that.