Body Armor versus Gatorade
The Uprising of Armor
I’m sure everybody here at Elder High School knows of these two drinks.
They are both energy drinks that quench your thirst and taste delicious. When student athletes are worn out and tired, I am sure that they go to one of these two drinks as the answer to regain their energy and also their electrolytes. The reason for this opinion based article is the simple fact that we have a very large number of student athletes here at Elder, and I promise every single one has heard of these drinks.
Let’s jump right into it!
First off, Gatorade gives you kidney stones, therefore body armor is better. Hahaha, just kidding they are both perfectly safe to drink on a daily basis. I would have to say that Gatorade for sure has more diverse flavors that trump the flavors of Body Armor. They are not stopping either. Gatorade just keeps throwing better and more mixed flavors out to the world left and right. The most recent Gatorade flavor that has been released lately is known as Peach Blitz. This was released for the Super Bowl in 2019, and I have only heard positive things about it.

Body Armor may not have as many flavors as Gatorade, but in my opinion, the flavors are sure better tasting. It is not just white, blue, or orange like most of the Gatorade flavors. It has so many flavors mixed in one drink, and when the diverse flavors hit your mouth it is like you’ve found a whole new world. Some flavors that catch your eye just by the name are knockout punch, blackout berry, and pineapple coconut. Also, Body Armor honestly just gives you more energy in the end, and refuels your worn down body so much quicker.
Gatorade is a very good sports drink don’t get me wrong, but sometimes after drinking it you either still feel dehydrated, or you feel like you’re going to vomit. Body Armor is a more natural drink, has better hygiene than Gatorade has to offer. Also, it is a proven fact that Body Armor is lower in calories and contains more electrolytes that Gatorade.
That is the main reason, and or purpose for both these sports drinks. They are made to help athletes gain electrolytes back after training events, or game events. Body Armor has more of those to provide therefore it is the better drink.
I am telling you people Body Armor is on the rise, and is such a better drink. It took over the role of being the drink during March Madness this year, and appeared in ninety NCAA championships. Kobe is a very popular NBA Hall of Famer and he is behind and supportive of this drink. This is the drink’s largest campaign so far, and it shows how much it is on the rise.

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain is 100% reason to remember the name-ZDUB-ZACK WILLIAMS....WHATCHA NAME! ELECTRIC...
Sam • May 23, 2021 at 7:36 am
Some of you have now idea of what you are talking about as Gatorade has artificial sweeteners and artificial colors which are very bad for you. Body Armor doesn’t!
Kenny slater • Jan 21, 2021 at 7:44 pm
Ok. I used too drink gatorade i switched too body armor. Its not as thick as gatorade seems too me any way. It refreshes me. Either playin sports or a good night of drinkin with the friends. It works way better than gatorade
Brent • Sep 30, 2020 at 12:45 am
I feel that body armor is a better athletic drink! It definitely replenish me faster a Gatorade. Gadoraid has alot of flavors. Body armor makes me personally feel way better. I can be so dehydrated and worn out from running. And body armor just takes it right away and makes me feel better. Now a Gatorade would make me feel more sick and u just wanna chug it and makes u feel worse but as a drink I love Gatorade! Always have I love there berry .. so does everyone around here. Anyways just my opinion! . Everyone will think different, and every body reacts differently !!
g • Apr 8, 2020 at 11:21 am
Gatorade is not an energy drink. I’m not sure Body Armor is either… Body Armor just threw a bunch of electrolytes in there to say they have more when in reality, its the opposite. They have the wrong combination of electrolytes our bodies need for hydration. Gatorade is backed by science, Body Armor is backed by marketing. There’s more to it than you think. More isn’t always better in this case.
RDC • Jan 11, 2020 at 9:11 pm
Gator aid has about 6 times more sodium more carbs and more sugar. Plus it was made in Florida and what good has ever came from Florida? Except Disney that’s it.
Destini Moody • Nov 25, 2019 at 5:53 pm
You conveniently left out the biggest hole in your case for Body Armor..the lack of sodium. You can’t responsibly recommend to a copiously sweating athlete a drink that will do little to replace their sodium loss just because “the flavors hit your mouth it is like you’ve found a whole new world.” Gatorade is actually formulated by scientists for athletes, not by athletes who think they’re scientists. Get a dietitian’s opinion next time.
Jennifer • Jul 31, 2019 at 1:59 pm
First let me say that I am not trying to argue, I am just trying to get all the facts. I am just wondering what research and proof you are citing in this opinion article. I am all for a more natural and lower calorie drink and open to a new drink beating out Gatorade but so far the drinks that have tried to compete have been alot of hype and celebrity sponsors (who are in it for the money) but in actual performance have fallen flat, including body armor in the past. I am just curious what has changed?