House of Cards deals season two

This season follows the continued rise of Frank Underwood

This season follows the continued rise of Frank Underwood

This past Valentine’s Day, Netflix released House of Cards’ much anticipated second season. The season consisted of 13 action packed episodes following the rise of Congressman, and now Vice President, Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey). Underwood is an ambitious man who is willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top, even if it means breaking the rules.

Underwood is accompanied in his rise by his wife, Claire (Robin Wright), who also shares Frank’s will to do whatever it takes to get to the top. The Underwood’s have many secrets that could lead to their undoing, but do everything in their power to keep their personal lives under wraps.

The season starts out with Underwood becoming the Vice President. Accompanied by his success is reporter Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara), whom Frank had an affair with. Barnes is trying to dig into how Frank worked his way into the Vice Presidency, mainly on the death of Congressman Peter Russo (Corey Stoll), whom Frank was close with. Barnes is getting very close to the truth when Frank decides to take things into his own hand and kills Zoe by pushing her in front of a moving subway train.

The first episode is just the beginning of an action packed season filled with many twists and turns. Through it all Frank always keeps his calm and cool demeanor, staying steady on his mission of making it to the top.

As an avid watcher of the series, I thought that the second season was fantastic. I binge watched it in about two weeks and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. For fans who watched season one, season two was well worth the wait.

It has already been announced that there will be a season three, but not yet with a set release date. It is sure to be just as action packed, if not more, than season two, and I am very much anticipating its debut.