Elder students join thousands at March for Life

On January 22, 1973, the historic Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the Supreme Court.  With a 7-2 ruling, abortion, the ending of a pregnancy by taking a fetus or embryo out of the womb, was deemed a right protected by the Constitution.

Every year on January 22 since the decision, thousands of people march onto the front steps of the Supreme Court to protest with hopes to overturn the decision.  At this year’s March for Life, an estimated 500,000 people made the protest following the “Every Life is a Gift” theme.

A total of 16 Elder High School students, including the Pro-Life Club, made the trip to Washington D.C. to protest.  The students were joined by Ms. Kurzhals, Ms. Schad, and Mr. Laake who retired after the 2013 school year.  As many as 20 students showed interest in making the trip, but could not due to other commitments.

The students, who paid $120 to go on the trip, left Cincinnati from St. Ignatius Parish and headed to St. Margaret of York Parish in Loveland, Ohio.  Here, students participated in a prayer send-off with Bishop Joseph Binzer.  After the prayer send-off, the group made the 12 hour bus ride, shared with St. Xavier students, to Washington D.C.

When the bus arrived in Washington D.C., the group went to the Washington D.C. National Guard Armory for the Rally for Life.  The rally serves to reinforce the mission of the march and bring together the protesters for unity in their cause.

After the Rally for Life, the actual march begins.  The march begins at the site of the Rally and walks along Constitution Avenue.  The protesters stop at the front steps of the Supreme Court and listen to “Silent No More” speakers.  This year’s 12 speakers included Reverend Joseph Kurtz, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus.

To conclude the March, various groups go to their state’s Congressional representative and lobby for the elimination of abortion.  The group from Elder attended the reception thrown by Congressman Steve Chabot, a staunch Pro-Life activist and former speaker at March for Life rallies.  After meeting Congressman Chabot, it was time to make another bus ride home.  The Elder group arrived back in Cincinnati at around 5 A.M.

“We really want to go to show just how many of us are against this,” said Ms. Kurzhals. “We have all these people in support, yet it is still legal.”

Ms. Kurzhals made her fourth trip to the March for Life and first with Elder.  Ms. Kurzhals helped plan and coordinate the event for Elder.  “We plan to advertise the event more in future years and make a bigger impact.”

In future years, hopes are to make an overnight stay for Elder students and include more time to sight see and enjoy more of our nation’s capital.  However, these plans should not be expected for a few years.

For those in Elder’s Pro-Life community, the opportunity to join the March for Life is open to all.  Those who want to make an impact for what they stand for are welcome to talk to Ms. Kurzhals or Mr. Tierney for more opportunities in Pro-Life activities.