Some of you may have notice some Germans walking the halls of Elder, Seton, and Anderson High Schools. Over the past two weeks there were 13 Germans visiting the three high schools.
The Sister City Association set-up an exchange program between Cincinnati and Munich. This year was the first time that the association had a school to school exchange. Originally the exchange would be between Elder, Seton and the Rupprecht Gymnasium.
The Sister City Association’s goal for this trip was to introduce the students to their roots and to create life-long friendships across the world.
Elder student Grant Farwick’s mother said that she was a little worried when her son Grant first told them about their exchange student (Sinan Wächter). Grant apparently told her that she would have to talk very slowly and look him directly in the eyes. However, when Sinan arrived she found that she had been misinformed. Sinan understood everything perfectly, and was able to talk with the American host parents without an issue.
Rose Driehaus is one of the Americans who participated in the exchange. She said that she was worried that the Germans would find America boring and that they would think our city is nasty. Eric Reuss, thought the same thing saying, “I felt that while we were in Germany we could do so much on our own the Germans would be bored being confined to a relatively small area.”
However, when it came to saying the good byes everyone agreed that they had a great time. Yet, they did want it to end. Marina Stevanovic said, “I don’t wanna leave you guys! You should come to Germany with us.” While all of us agreed that we would love to go back with them to Germany we couldn’t.
In the end it is clear that both the Americans who visited Germany loved it there, and the Germans that came to America were equally as satisfied.