Bryce Martin stunned by what people think of him.
Everyone loves The Purple Quill Staff right? Maybe. We can’t necessarily give you an answer. Especially considering that this article you’re currently reading is written by the Purple Quill Staff itself.
We asked some people, students mostly, to send in some comments consisting of their opinions on certain people who are on The Purple Quill Staff. We got some really…interesting responses.
It turns out some of the people on the staff are incredibly…opinionated, by the Elder students. We had some of the staff read these comments out loud and we managed to get their responses on video.
People even sent us comments about Mr. Rogers. God bless that man.
Regardless, let’s not forget that these are people too, and their feelings can be hurt just like anyone else, but this was funny. So it’s okay if someone got a little upset.
I’d also like to point out that everyone who read their comments out loud agreed to do so and was not seriously emotionally or mentally scarred/upset by any of the comments they received. We have what we call a “sense of humor” here with the Quill Staff.
So sit back and enjoy this, because we certainly did.
Click here to view the video.