With all of the anti-religion movements going around it is welcoming to see an organization not afraid to show their religious roots. Starbucks is removing all things that have to do with religion on their cups. It seems that nowadays that no one is proud or bold enough to show how they were raised.
When my family and I were in New York we went to see the renowned Radio City Rockettes. During the showing a boy and his brother start to read the Bible and the story comes to life on stage. My family was amazed by the Rockettes, their dancing was amazing and the fact they kept the true focus of Christmas: Christ.
I was wondering what Elder thought about keeping Christ in Christmas. If they thought it was better or worse.
I talked to sophomore John Keehan. The true meaning of Christmas is waking up in the morning ripping open presents while your parents try to take cute pictures. Eating lunch, and cuddling up with your family. He added his ideas on keeping Christ in Christmas. “I think you should, for he is the reason we celebrate it in the first place.” When it comes to expressing your religion he paused and thoughtfully replied, “I think it makes a statement, but I think it’s sad we live in an era where everyone gets offended by everything.”

I then spoke with the insightful senior Alex Wertz. I was wondering what someone else thought about the Rockettes so I searched and found Mr. Wertz who remembers bits and pieces of the show. I asked him his thought and he started, “Their acts are very impressive, they really captured the imagination of everyone, made me feel like a little kid experiencing the joys of Christmas for the first time all over again.” Digging deeper I asked him about how they kept the Catholic aspect of Christmas. “I think that what they’re doing is very impressive because they’re keeping the Catholic faith in Christmas and that is very important.”
Next I went to go and talk to Mrs. James. She sports a “Keep Christ in Christmas” sticker on the back of her car. I found her recovering from a hard day of teaching. I inquired about her sticker and she said her family bought the magnet from the “Old Timers” softball team at St. Jude, for a fund raiser.
She continued “We put it on the back of the car to remind ourselves and others of the true meaning of Christmas.” I informed her of the Rockettes’ decision to keep the nativity scene in their show and she applauded their effort, saying that she has two nativity scenes at home one inside and one outside, and one for her classroom.
Finally I asked her about big corporations removing the Christmas side of the holidays from their merchandise. She said “Personally, I disagree with them doing that. Being raised Catholic and the Catholic tradition I’m a firm believer in telling others Merry Christmas.”
However, she continued saying how she thinks the society of today has recognized other religious practices of this time, and how major companies are afraid to offended others and get sued so they just shut up. Her final remark was “I refuse to buy anything that says “Happy Holidays!”