Vacation dreams
The author looks at the types of vacations you could take this summer

The weather is here I wish you were beautiful. That’s right, with summer right around the corner it’s time to start planning vacations.
Whether you will be taking a vacation with your family, friends or maybe just flying solo I believe I’ve come up with a little article to help you before planning your vacation.
If you’ve already decided where you’ll be taking a vacation to this season and your foot is already out the door then great, but maybe you could use this article to plan for a trip in years to come or maybe you can plan a second vacation if you have that kind of money just lying around.
If you have yet to plan a trip then please consider the following.
Relaxing vacations can come in many different categories but I think I may have been able to narrow these categories into three.
So let’s begin with what I believe to be the most popular vacation destination, the beach.
The beach is great. What’s not to love? There is just something so great about a large body of water met by the soft warm sand, and the sound of waves crashing down.
I think one of the best qualities of the beach is how liberating it feels when you first arrive and all your trouble seem to disappear and life only exists in that moment. That is until around the second or third day and all of your worries seem to catch up with you.
Now I’m sure most people reading this (if there are any at all) have in fact been to a beach somewhere some time in their lives and we all have our favorite places filled with memories.
The beach is great in my opinion and for most families taking a trip summer vacation to the beach has almost become a tradition. More frequently flocked to places like Hilton Head, Destin Florida, and Siesta Key have become almost like a second home for some.
For the most part the beach is an all-around great experience but for some the beach just isn’t for them “Beaches are the same thing every time. I’d rather go somewhere I have never been to,” says junior Matthew Mahon.
I got the chance to talk to local beach bum, and all around legend Mike Onorato who told me he loves the sand. “I love when sand gets in my bed. I get a calming feeling and usually have sweet dreams of mermaids.”
Now maybe you’re just not the type of person who likes the beach. You just want nothing to do with that annoying sand or disgusting salt water. If that’s the case then you may be better suited for a different style of vacation.
The wilderness
The wilderness style vacation is a favorite style among many. This style of vacation usually entitles you to stay in a log cabin or some sort of structure made to look like a log cabin. Most likely you’ll be going hiking, swimming in a river or lake, as well as having a bonfire.
For the more extreme, the wilderness vacation may look more like an episode of finding Bigfoot.
I’m not really sure what’s wrong with these people but for some reason they got the idea that a vacation is taking a sleeping bag and a knife into the woods with no way for anyone to contact them. They only emerge from their wilderness expedition once their families have already had a funeral in their honor because their two day hike turned into a three month adventure.
If while reading those two options you figured maybe you weren’t suited for either of those two vacation styles then maybe you’d do better in the third category.
This is a personal favorite of mine much different from the other two. I’m talking about the classic, oldie but goldie; a good ole fashion staycation.
Now when I say staycation most people assume it means you take a week off to stay home, watch TV, eat food, and generally slob around the house. Which don’t get me wrong, can be its one of the many things that make staycations great. You spend less money than you would on an actual vacation and you can end or extend the vacation time however long you want.
A true staycation is all about taking day trips to the areas around where you live and learning just why the place you live is so great.

"I'm Brick Tamland. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks....