3D printing spreads around Elder
When I initially found out about the 3D printers here in Elder High school I was dumbfounded. I felt like I hit the holy grail of technology. I was wondering how many people didn’t know about these, and how many people didn’t know how to use them.
My first step was to take it to the tech wiz Mr. Rogers. My first 3D printed design did not turn out very well it was very small and very confusing. However I had a lot of fun taking something from my imagination into reality.
I can feel the buzz around Elder. Senior Nick Hilsinger told me he would be very interested in a 3D printing. He also expressed an interest on the formation of a 3D printing club. He said “I hope to see it happen in the near future. He also expressed his concerns saying, “I wish I could get into printing it’s just I don’t even know where to start.”
Nick Hilsinger’s concerns seemed to be a common theme around Elder with Sam Kayse saying, “I would love to be able to 3D print but nobody knows how to even get started.” Kayse later went on to express his thoughts on an online Elder tutorial video saying, “That would answer so many unanswered questions, and really get the buzz going in these halls.”
Elder currently owns three 3D printerswhich are all located in the library. Elder had one 3D printer last year then Mr. Fuell got a deal on two more printers which then allowed students and faculty the ability to experiment with 3D printers and start making great designs. These printers can make a range of different items from action figures to soccer balls to phone cases. Ms. Williams-Mitchell told me Elder has a ton of printing filament and students are welcome to come in and print as much as they like.
In the near future if you want to make a 3D print anybody can go down to the library and go through a quick 3D printing tutorial with Ms. Williams-Mitchell.
I am currently in the process of designing a new phone case for my iPhone I am very excited to see how it will turn out.
In the future I hope to see the entire Elder faculty using the 3-\D printers to make course specific projects to enhance the learning of all the students at Elder High School, as well as the students getting on board with the 3D printing buzz and using their imagination to make some great designs.

"The only reason I put on a shirt is so I can take it off"- @jdgators33