Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The next chapter of the Skywalker Saga

Rey and Luke Skywalker pose for the new film
Later this year, on December 15th, the Star Wars franchise will add another film to its installment. The film will be the eighth movie in the series, and will be called The Last Jedi. Star Wars fans are expecting another great film to follow up the seventh movie, The Force Awakens.
The film will be directed by Rian Johnson who is known for his work in movies such as Looper (2012) and Brick (2005). Johnson has released several pictures from the set of the movie on his Instagram. These pictures give you an early view of what to expect from the movie. Johnson has some big shoes to fill left by The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams. Abrams was recently signed back on for the ninth film expected to be released in 2019.
For those unaware, Disney purchased Lucasfilm in 2012. Lucasfilm was run by George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. When George decided it was time for him to retire in 2012, Disney jumped on the opportunity and purchased Lucasfilm for $4.05 billon. Half was bought in cash, and the other half was bought in shares of Disney stock. Shortly after, Disney announced they would be making three more Star Wars movies to add to the Saga. The first one, episode 7, was The Force Awakens.
The second one, episode 8, is The Last Jedi which we will go into more detail on. The third one, episode 9 is currently without a title.

Cover Art of The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi looks to pick up right where The Force Awakens left off. Rey has just climbed to the top of a mountain on the Planet Ahch-to return Luke Skywalker his lightsaber. Luke Skywalker, who the movie is named after is the last Jedi. Rey has sought him out for what many speculate to be training. Several Star Wars fans have tried to predict and find out what the movie will be about.
One famous Youtuber by the name of Mike Zeroh has made a channel out of this. His channel’s focus primarily on the upcoming Star Wars films. He goes over rumors, leaks, news, speculation, and developing theories on his channel. He has released several videos with interesting theories about The Last Jedi. Depending on what type of fan you are will determine if you enjoy his channel. He warns before every video that spoilers may be ahead, so if you want to go into these upcoming movies completely unsure of what will happen then don’t check out his channel. But for those of you who are interested in what is going on with the filming and rumored plots of the next movie then check it out.
The Last Jedi has just recently been fully rapped, and a full trailer is expected to be released during Monday Night Football on Oct. 9th. Mark Hamill, the actor who portrays Luke Skywalker has been known to interact with his fans through twitter and such. A few weeks ago, a fan @’d Mark and asked when to expect a new trailer for the upcoming movie. Mark responded, “Watch Monday
Night Football on Monday October 9 – for no reason in particular.” He quickly deleted this tweet, but that didn’t stop the loyal Star Wars fans from spreading the news. Disney owns both ESPN and Lucasfilm. Monday Night Football is one of their highest rated programs, so it makes sense that they would take advantage of this platform to show this trailer. The more people that see the trailer the better. Be sure to tune into this game between the Chicago Bears and the Minnesota Vikings.
All Star Wars fans are excited in some capacity for this movie. I know one thing for sure, I cannot wait for the release in December. This sequel is all but sure to be the biggest movie of the year in the global box office and the North American box office. Let’s see if it will take the title later this December.