Moneyball goes to the old school ways of baseball
Oakland A’s owner Billy Beane has a dilemma. After the best season for Oakland since the bash brothers Mcgwire and Canseco were on the same team, Billy has a plan to rebuild the team.
The story of Moneyball dates to the time when the sport of baseball was different than it was today.
The plot of the story revolves around Oakland A’s owner Billy Beane and how he rebuilds the A’s. It also shows that players who were once given up on can be worthwhile.
A major theme was the fact that Beane had very little money and a limited budget. At the same time, they were also losing free agents who had helped in previous seasons.
The overall production value was great; the movie was told through the eyes of Billy Beane, and the camera work in my opinion was the best part of the movie. Some of the angles used told the story in a dramatic way, the type of setting and shading used also points out the type of movie it is.
The main character of the story is Billy Beane. Brad Pitt portrays the well-known baseball general manger. Throughout the movie he uses the idea of old school baseball and what effect it has on the game.
Beane’s protégé Peter Brand, played by Jonah Hill, leans towards the side of the new aged philosophy of Sabermetrics. This type of idea was not really used until the late years of the 2000’s.
At first, Beane was not on board with the new Sabermetric philosophy. He believed in the old school brand of baseball which was having players that were high on-base players and pitchers that did not rely on velocity but more on nasty breaking pitches such as late-breaking sliders and curveballs that dive out of the strike zone.
The movie Moneyball is based on a true story about the Oakland A’s and Billy Beane having to build his team from the foundation to the top and the struggles to find players that can replace those who were better at their position.
The suggestion would to be to go see the movie, especially if you are a huge fan of baseball or sports in general.

A second year Quill member. I love my Reds, Bengals, and Ohio State. My favorite baseball player of all time is Ken Griffey Jr. In my opinion, he is the...
matt mahon • Sep 13, 2018 at 8:33 am
Frogge you know the movie moneyball sucks smh