Who will you save today?
Elder saved 126 lives with the Fall Blood Drive.

The Elder Blood Drive is an opportunity for the young men of Elder to help save lives. Hoxworth Blood Center comes to Elder every year, twice to receive special donations of blood, once in the fall and once in the spring.
Hoxworth Blood Center is a branch of the University of Cincinnati, located right next to University Hospital, and is the only blood center in the Greater Cincinnati area. Hoxworth sends out blood and blood components to 31 different hospitals in a 17-county radius.
If you live in Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, Highland ,Scioto, Warren, Boone, Campbell, Grant, Kenton, Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, or Switzerland County and need a blood transfusion the blood you will be receiving will be from Hoxworth.
In order to meet the quota for the patients, they need to collect blood from about 350 blood donors and 40 platelet donors each day.
“To enhance the well being of patients in our service area by assuring a reliable and economical supply of the safest possible blood, by providing innovative hemotherapy services, and by promoting research and education programs in transfusion medicine,” according to their website.
The blood drive at Elder was a complete success this year. The total numbers were: 52 donors who registered, 40 whole blood collected, 1 double reds collected, 212 platelets/plasma collected, and 46 total products and up to 126 lives were saved.
The next blood drive at Elder will be Tuesday, March 25, 2014.
“I would like to thank anyone who considers giving blood or makes an effort even if denied due to illness. Knowing my situation as a Nurse I have heard many stories of families needed blood transfusions,” said Elder’s Nurse, Linda Giessler. “It is a really import thing that we can do to help people out, according to the Hoxworth Blood Center website ‘1 in 7 people who come into the hospital need blood’.”
“If you choose to give make sure you eat a Nutritious diet for breakfast lunch and dinner the day before and several days after giving blood because of the obvious loss of fluids, and to help recoup them,” Giessler said. “The ones that end up having a hard times are normally the ones who have a negligence toward that.”
“I had a lot of fun giving blood,” said Senior Evan Mullaney, “I got free cookies and apple juice. I felt bad after though because I gave a double and got stuck two times, once in each arm.”
“I really encourage all of you to give blood not only at Elder but after you graduate too,” said Giessler.
“Blood donation. It’s about an hour of your time. It’s About Life.” – Hoxworth Blood Center
For more information click this link to The Hoxworth Blood Center’s website:

My name is Ben Smith this is my first year on The Quill. I am the Features Editor this year. I play Sports, so I love writing about sports.