Social media
It’s the technological age, and a major form of communication is through social media. Today there are many different social media apps and sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat just to name a few. We are growing up in a time of technological advancement and the social media market is ever changing. From Facebook to Twitter there is no telling which social media site is the best. My personal favorite is Twitter mostly because parents haven’t fully discovered it yet. Millions of people use Twitter every day.
Everyone has their own personal favorite.
Senior Billy Angel said, “I like Instagram the best, you can post pictures and I enjoy taking pictures when I’m driving around of different things that catch my eye.”
Whatever sites people claim as their favorite it’s all about your own personal way of communicating, and some enjoy 140 character tweets and other may enjoy using pictures. An Avid snap chatter senior Frank Telles enjoys pictures over words.
“I enjoy snap chat because some of my screenshots are hilarious.”
After asking Elder students, Twitter comes in as the most popular. Whatever social media site kids use they all have the same basic purpose; and that is for kids to express themselves in whatever way they deem fit. Social media has been getting a bad rep because of a people misusing it.
Social media isn’t bad, but can hurt you. Just like people need to watch what they say in public, they also need to watch what they put on social media. Senior Matt Nortman said, “I think Social media is a great tool, but like all tools must be used correctly.”
Everyone has their different reasons for social media, and it has become common in today’s society. This is only the beginning for social media and it will only grow for years to come.

First Year Quill Writer, I like Sports and I play Lacrosse. I am a member of the spirit committee. Go Panthers