Power Rankings
Taking a look at Elder’s bathrooms
View of the 2nd Floor Bathroom Door
Bathroom Power Rankings
Throughout my time at Elder, I have taken a trip or two to the bathroom. Over these four years, I believe I have garnered enough information and knowledge to allow me to write an article like this.
Indeed, there are some bathrooms at Elder that are better than others. I am going to take a look at what puts some ahead of the others and vice versa. I will be talking about the Third Floor, Second Floor, Cafeteria, North Wing, and Schaeper Center bathrooms. Each of these bring something unique to the table.
5. Cafeteria Bathroom
This was a tough pick for last due to how much time I spend in this bathroom. Though, when I look at the big picture, this bathroom simply does not cut it. Granted, the new mirrors put in at the end of last year were a big step. Yet, one of the main reasons here is due to how dirty this bathroom sometimes is, but from a convenience standpoint, this bathroom is hard to beat during lunch. One of the only draw backs of this bathroom involves how crowded it can get. Nothing is worse than walking into a bathroom and having to sit for a couple minutes because every stall is occupied and every other urinal is filled. At the end of the day, the Cafeteria Bathroom gets the job done.
4. North Wing Bathroom
This bathroom had all the hype and so much promise coming into the 2018-2019 school year. This was due to how far one had to walk to the cafeteria from the North Wing. I never really minded the walk because I had a good excuse for being gone longer. Sadly, the bathroom just did not live up to the hype. One stall may have been plenty for the faculty a year ago, but it does not cut it this year. Also, only a few urinals makes for some awkward encounters with the North Wing teachers. Out of respect for how convenient this bathroom is, I gave it the #4 spot.
3. Third Floor Bathroom
This bathroom gets the job done. It always seems to be pretty clean, which is always nice. One of the big additions of this bathroom was a paper towel dispenser to go along with a hand dryer. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but I believe this has done a great job of decreasing the time it takes me to dry off my hands after a good wash. One paper towel with the hand dryer is like magic. It gets the job done in a third of the time. I am serious, give it a try. One of the drawbacks to this bathroom is how the mirror in front of the sink faces directly towards the urinals which gives me a weird vibe, but it is what it is. Also, I have found that the toilets on this floor have some weak water pressure. Enough said. On to Number 2
2. Second Floor Bathroom
This bathroom seems to have it all. A good amount of stalls and urinals is a key component of it, and a wall that wraps around the urinals makes for a better environment. Also, it allows for more hiding spots to check your phone without getting caught by faculty. To be more specific, it is harder for a teacher to see you on your phone in the mirror from around the corner where they could walk in. Another slept on element of this bathroom involves lunch. The Second Floor bathroom is very close to the cafeteria depending on where you sit, and it can provide a nice spot to take a break from the busy day during lunch. The second floor bathroom may seem like it has it all. Yet, what if I told you there was a better bathroom out there? Spoiler alert…there is.
1. Schaeper Center Bathroom
It has it all. First of all, this bathroom is rarely ever crowded. Second, very seldom are there faculty in this bathroom which makes it a great place to check your phone if need be. The stalls are spacious and the urinals all have barriers. There are plenty of sinks and a big mirror. It is hard to find a weakness in this bathroom. The only deficiency I can find in this bathroom involves the hand dryers. They hang right over the counter, so the counters are always soaked. Nevertheless, that is not a big deal. I found it difficult to not put this bathroom at the top of my list.
That wraps up my Bathroom Power Rankings. If you see me around school, feel free to give me your feedback and argue with me. I am a big believer in constructive feedback leading to better results, so let me know what your opinion is. See you around Panthers.