A look at the upcoming Elderado Yearbook

Most high schools don’t get the opportunity to have as much freedom when it comes to the creation of their yearbook and its design chosen. Because of Josten’s relation with elder, they give the yearbook club a lot of freedom and also offer wing and pizza night. Mrs. Hirth along with Elder’s yearbook club is known for showing up to Elder on Thursday nights to grind out our next editions yearbook so it is ready to go for the upcoming year.

They spend long hours working on these pages and perfecting pictures and designs. As a co-editor in Elders yearbook club this year, I am well experienced on what takes place at these meetings and what to expect for the 2018-2019 Elder yearbook. Some questions you might have for members of yearbook club can be, how do you select the pictures to place on the yearbook? Is there any chance that I (student of Elder) can get on the yearbook? And is working on the yearbook a boring and difficult task? The big question however would be what can we expect for this year’s yearbook edition?

The yearbook staff usually meets up on Thursday nights from 6-8:30 to prepare for the upcoming year. There are a good 15 loyal members in the staff that put forth their best efforts. There’s a deadline that’s needs to be met when designing the yearbook. So, how can a student get on the yearbook pages? This process is a little bit of luck and a little choice. We have a P drive with photos of each event that Elder has been a part of. After this it is the clubs decision to choose photos from this P drive. If your face happens to be on the yearbook then your one lucky panther. The yearbook is exciting to work on. This task is fun to see a sneak peak of what our upcoming yearbook looks like and also being able to choose photos, designs, and captions is cool. This upcoming yearbook is only partially done but yearbook club is on track to finish this before the end of the school year. Some new things will be placed in the yearbook along with the old tradition themes. This year’s yearbook will contain plenty of pictures that show all clubs and also every sport here. We will also look at all events that took place here at Elder.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill