“MLB The Show” safe at home with the PS4
With the PS4 and Xbox One out, they bring endless possibilities to the gaming world
With the new Xbox One and PlayStation 4 out, gamers have a lot to look forward to. Though the gaming systems are both in stores, many high school students will use it as one of their main Christmas presents. Rumors fly about the endless possibilities these systems will bring into the gaming world. MLB The Show is the first game to take advantage of these limitless possibilities with the ability to save progress in a game and continue it into the newer version.
One of the most significant features in most sports games are the franchise and “My Player” modes where a gamer can either choose a team, create a team, or create their own player, beginning as a rookie and building their way up to a dynasty.
But the problem is, with so many other games, it is hard to just continuously play one. NBA 2k14 came out in early October, then a week later GTA V. After the magic of the new GTA wore off and you are ready to start back with their franchise or “My Player” in 2k, Call of Duty: Ghosts came out. And this is without mentioning the school work and the multiple Netflix or HBO shows we get caught up in that also serve as distractions.
My point: by the time we end up going back to our sports games after getting bored with our other games or fighting through the rest of our distractions, the next new version is already out.
The Show’s solution: gamers can now save their franchises and “My Player” from one game to import to the next.
This is a huge step for video games, especially The Show, because their “My Player” mode has to start in the minors and the players usually do not receive a call up to the majors until the latter half of the second season. Over 200 games is a long time to wait to play in the majors for a sports game.
So when MLB The Show ’14 comes out, and gamers get distracted with other games or their Netflix shows, they can save their progress and continue right where they left off in MLB The Show ’15.
But if I create a pitcher in my ’14 and I eventually land on the Reds, and Brandon Philips suffers an ACL tear in real life and his career abruptly ends and he leaves the MLB Player Association (which would affect the copyrights), or if the Reds change uniforms, or somehow decide to change their franchise name, how will that affect me in ’15? No one knows, but Sony San Diego, the creators of MLB The Show, has assured gamers that they have had this idea for many years and with the PS4 – it will not be a problem.
Unfortunately for Xbox users, The Show is only on PlayStation, but with this revolutionary move, I think gamers will see Madden, Fifa, NHL, NBA and other such games quickly follow suit.

Aspiring journalist for The Purple Quill.
Class of 2014 at the greatest institution in the western hemisphere: Elder High School.
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