Future policemen coming from Elder
Police officers are one of society’s most important members. They protect us from those that seek to wish us harm, defend us from thieves, and just generally keep the peace. To be an officer of the law requires a long amount of training, courage, a strong will, and a distinct desire to do good for the community. Elder has a long history of producing such men – men that will run towards the danger and not from it. But which students currently seek to be the enforcers of the law?
The first person I met who wants to be a police officer is Jack Bailey, who is currently a senior. Always willing to help, Bailey’s answer was pretty straightforward. “I want to get out there and help my community, because a lot of bad stuff has happened recently.” Mr. Bailey is certainly correct about this, with a lot of events occurring within the last year which few police officers would find beneficial. To this point, I asked him what he thought about the possible danger that being a police officer might expose him to. Jack though doesn’t seem to be phased by the risks that enforcing the law might pose saying that he is ready to respond to any hazards that he might confront while enforcing justice. Bailey originally got interested in police work through an announcement at school. The announcement in question was for a Police Explorer program offered through Delhi Township’s department. Jack told me that, ever since he joined, his mind has been set – he wants to be a cop.
After interviewing Bailey, I searched around a bit for someone else who wanted to be among those that make up the “thin blue line”. After asking around, I eventually found senior Ryan Ridout. Catching Ridout at lunch time, I was able to get in a few questions. Much like Bailey, Ridout wants to become a police officer to “change his community for the better”, also stating that cops nowadays often “don’t get the respect they deserve”. When posed with the same question about the possible endangerment to his health that being an officer might cause, Ridout said that he was aware of the hazards, but was more than prepared to meet them head on. Moreover, when asked how he feels about the intensive training that future officers face, he said that “I know its a lot, but I’m prepared if it means helping my community”. As far as how he became interested in becoming a cop goes, Ryan said that he hears all the time about how they are killed, harmed, and disrespected on TV, and that he has a strong desire and will to change that. He wants to make law enforcement a respected thing again.
To be a police officer, one must be brave, loyal, just, and have a genuine desire to do good for the people. In writing this article, I was fortunate enough to meet two of these people – two people that want to change the world for the better. I can’t say that I particularly envy the road that they might have before them, but I definitely respect them and their will to bring those that cause harm to society to justice. I wish luck and safety to them, and any others that might want to become an officer.

"I am the wisest man, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing" - Plato