Something is amiss in the Section: A Freshman problem

As the football season enters full swing the cheering section continues to be filled with rowdy students. Three fourths of the section continues to be loud and filled with excitement and hype. The problem occurs in the top few rows. This problem is the fact the freshman don’t seem to fully be engaged in the game and atmosphere.

As the new high schoolers begin to acclimate to the new setting they are clearly shaken up by the environment. Due to the unsettled nature of these “little guys” they don’t seem to be putting their all into the cheers presented by the spirit committee. 

At the most recent pep rally this issue was addressed. The leaders of the talented creative and supportive spirit committee called out these rebellious youngins. They were told that if they are going to show up to the football games they are required to be loud. This announcement was accompanied with a symphony of “boooos” coming from the rest of the school. Hopefully these freshmen take this warning to heart or else these empty threats will become not so empty.

In these upcoming games the freshman will be monitored closely. If changes are not made quickly the freshmen will be no longer able to partake in the cheering section and their suspension will continue throughout the remainder of the football season and through the beginning of the basketball season.