Here in the state of Ohio there is almost nothing more important than Ohio State football. Personally I am not a fan of the Ohio State football fan. In many ways I see their fans as very obnoxious and potentially quite frankly delusional.

They spout some dumb statements about their players and coaches. They are very supportive of their team, but you can’t believe a word they say because they only believe Ohio State is good. Fans from Ohio State have always had tough time accepting a loss. They have trouble handling some calls from the refs that they stated were “terrible calls”, but many others support the calls and agree with them. They also can’t seem to accept the fact that Michigan is running the rivalry right now. Ohio State had their time in the past where they won 10 straight games. But Michigan has just beaten Ohio State this year for the fourth time straight.

I decided to talk to a couple of Ohio State fans throughout the school and try get a better understanding on their beliefs of the team and how they developed their views on the Buckeyes.
Speaking with Sam Meade who is a diehard Ohio State football fan, he told me, “I was raised loving the Bucks I always have and always will, my dad and uncles are all big fans.” The Buckeyes are looking to regroup and get ready for next year coming off a title this past season.
Sam said, “We have Jeremiah Smith, I am not really worried, we will be allright.” This interview was short lived because he left after asking him a question about “THE GAME” between the Buckeyes and the Wolverines and how the Bucks can look to bounce back after four straight loses to them.
Cameron Williams another senior at Elder who is filled with the Buckeye spirit and likes to get rowdy when it comes to discussing the Buckeyes. “We are the champs you can’t take that away from us.” Cam has always defended the Buckeyes against slander from opposing fans.
I asked him why he thinks Ohio State fans have the reputation they have and he responded, “We are the best fans in the nation and anyone who says different is wrong.” Fans from up North have been saying this for a while now and I just can’t seem to wrap my head around this. Their fans were very upset with the program after a very bad loss to a 6-5 Michigan team. They were chanting at the game to fire their coach. I didn’t see the support from their fan base. Ryan Day just won a National Championship, and people are still calling for his head in Columbus.

There are many more fans around this school who live and breathe Ohio State football. There are only a few who chose to challenge their beliefs and admit some hard truths about their fans and program. Talking with George Guidugli a student here who is a Notre Dame football fan, “Yes we lost, and I will take whatever comes, unlike Ohio State fans who hide whenever they lose a big game.” Sam and Cameron have tried to gain more and more fans by starting a everything buckeyes podcast on Spotify. These guys truly love OSU football but need to accept the reality that the Buckeyes are not perfect and have many flaws along with every other college football program.