Recently two students, Brady Wise and Seth Readnower were planning their long awaited battle to decide who was the more elite of the two. Readnower (Wise’s former padawan) has turned against him, and plans to take over the galaxy.
Karate Champion
In early February, Readnower was training hard to get ready for his long awaited fight against the mysterious Wise. Readnower had been traveling far and wide across the globe looking for the best teachers to complete his training. After countless days of wandering, Readnower landed himself on the small island of Okinawa.
On the island, Readnower stumbled upon karate sensei, Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi taught Readnower all the ways of karate, focusing primarily on his defensive skills. As part of his training, Readnower completed house hold tasks such as waxing the cars, painting the fence, and sanding the floor. All of these chores, provided Readnower with muscle memory for his defensive focused karate.

After his training was completed, Readnower returned to the States to bring his new found skills into competition. At the famous All-Valley tournament in Delhi, Readnower faced off against karate legend, sensei Corey Kreese. Kreese was known for his magnificent skills in the works of offensive karate. Kreese had managed to turn a weak school boy, Johnny Meade-Lawrence into his two time karate champion.
Readnower had worked his way all the way into the finals of the All-Valley tournament. However, Readnower would have no choice but to face Meade-Lawrence in the finals of this karate tournament. Readnower’s countless hours of training would pay off, and he would defeat the great Meade-Lawrence to win his first All-Valley Tournament.
Endeavors in the Future
After Readnower completed his karate phase he was prepared to go fight the infamous Wise. Readnower and Wise had already planned to meet in a certain location for their almighty battle. However, because Readnower was in California, he had no way of making his way to the destined location. In his best interest, Readnower decided to rent a silver DeLorean.
As Readnower started to drive his new car, he noticed something strange. Then all of the sudden, Readnower felt a powerful shake, and he was off into the past. Readnower managed to time travel back to the year 2010. Unfortunately, Readnower was alive at this time, so he made sure to be extra careful not to encounter his past self.
After wandering helplessly in the past for a couple of hours, Readnower came up with the excellent idea to encounter a four year old Wise. Readnower thought this would be his best opportunity to take down Wise, due to Wise’s intense training later in life. Wise managed to make his way back to Brady’s childhood home to finish him once and for all.
When Readnower appeared at Wise’s front door, a strange tall man answered and said to him, “’Sup loser.” This man appeared to be Brady’s father. Brady’s father was very understanding and happily invited Readnower into their home, so he could finish Wise once and for all. Once Readnower walked into Wise’s room, he saw young Wise sitting on his bed. Quickly after this, Readnower pulled out his lightsaber and finished Wise for good.

After Readnower’s great victory, he found himself dealing with a new problem. Readnower’s new trouble was that he was out of fuel and had no way of getting back to the future. Readnower went rapidly looking for help, yet was undecided on if he could trust anyone in the past.
Shortly after this, Readnower stumbled upon an old man sitting on a bench near the old supermarket. The man was tall, had long hair, and looked as if he had been alive for hundreds of years. Readnower approached the man with caution, unaware of what this man could be. After Readnower’s approach, the old man stood up and introduced himself. He spoke out, “Hello, I am Willdolf from Valinor.” Readnower immediately informed Willdolf of his conflict, and Willdolf helped him revise a plan to get back to the future. Willdolf ultimately came up with a plan that involved him having to build a nether portal for Readnower to return. After collecting enough obsidian in the past, Willdolf and Readnower managed to return back to present time.
Readnower’s mission ultimately came to an end, and he was able to finish off the mysterious Wise once and for all.
“So that’s it, that’s how my dream ended last night.” – Seth Readnower