Anticipated movies of 2015

In 2015 there are many anticipated movies coming out. Many movies coming out next year are set to be sequels.
The most anticipated movie coming out next year is the new Star Wars movie, Star Wars: Episode VII. This is the first time a Star Wars movie will be produced by Disney. George Lucas will help with the making of this new epic. This Star Wars will take place 30 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
Another sequel coming out next year is The Fantastic Four. This movie will be the third installment in the Fantastic Four series to come out.
Jurassic World the sequel to Jurassic Park and it is also due to release in 2015. Steven Spielberg will return to produce the film. In 2012 Frank Marshall said that the movie would still rely on animatronic dinosaurs despite the advances in technology.
Fast and Furious 7 is also expected to release next year. Many people are questioning how the movie will turn out due to the death of Paul Walker. They were supposedly half way done with the movie before his tragic death. The makers of the movie said that they will finish and it will be out next year. The movie will be filmed in Los Angeles.
Yet another sequel set to come out in 2015 is Ted 2, this sequel is expected to come out in the summer of next year. Mark Wahlberg when interviewed in 2012 about Ted 2 said that Seth’s ideas for the second one are sick. So it sounds like this one should be even better than the first movie.
Another one of the many sequels coming out next year is Taken 3. Personally, if you are like me then you are probably curious how they can make three movies basically based on the same story line. In this one the main character Bryan Mills played by Liam Neeson, is framed for a murder he did not commit. Maybe people believe this movie will be good. But some believe they are making too many of them, and the series is starting to run its course.
The last sequel that I will talk about is the new SpongeBob Movie, SpongeBob: Sponge Out of Water. The first SpongeBob movie was a huge hit so the producers are hoping that this one will be even better.

My interests include bagging groceries and taking long walks on the beach.