The man behind the tweets
A look at local restaurant owner and twitter star, Jeff Ruby

Jeff Ruby, owner of The Precinct, Carlo and Johnny, and Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse, is a well-known figure in Cincinnati. He is known for his contributions to the city’s youth and generous donations to many charities and organizations. Although some people know him for his profound tweets, I wanted to really know the man behind the contributions and donations.
Ruby grew up in New Jersey with no parents. He ran away from home at the age of 15 and never looked back. He told me that during his freshman year, he failed every class, got drunk often, and was the last kid to make the football team. He also went out for the wrestling team and never won a match.
Four years later, he was first team all-state and captain of Neptune High School’s unbeaten football team. He also never lost a wrestling match during his senior year. From there he earned a to scholarship into Cornell University and went on to play football for 4 years. He was then inducted into Neptune High School’s Hall of Fame for his outstanding athletic abilities in football and wrestling. How did Ruby make a 180 degree turnaround so quickly?
“All of this became possible because of one man. My football coach Jeep Bednarik,” Ruby told me. “He became my father figure when I ran away from home. I finally had someone I wanted to make proud.”
Ruby told me he became inspired to start helping kids during his senior year. “I recognized the impact that [Jeep Bednarik] had on me. I looked up to him because he was the father I never had.”
It’s clear that Ruby just wants to be that father figure for kids who never had one. He wants to be somebody that children and teenagers of all ages can look up to. He told me that these teenagers from Cincinnati often ask him for guidance because they view him as a celebrity who genuinely cares about them. “It really means a lot to them,” said Ruby.
Jeff Ruby’s lack of a father figure in his life has called him to become one for the children and teenagers in Cincinnati. Mentoring and providing a great role model for the kids is more important than anything to Mr. Ruby. I think it’s obvious to see that Ruby has the best at heart for these kids. He recently wrote a book titled Not Counting Tomorrow in which he donated all of the profits to an organization called Feed the Children.
To end our interview, Ruby looked at me and said, “I do this ‘cause I’m damn good at it. It’s my calling.”