24,000 steps for one great cause

Elder’s annual WALK FOR OTHERS is coming soon!

The annual Elder Walk for Others is right around the corner. This year we are back on track to walk the usual 12 miles, rather than the three mile detour we did last year. Hopefully the sun is shining, and the rain stays away this year for the big day.

The walk is a great way for students to get outside of the school setting. It’s a good way to stretch out the legs after being cooped up in a desk five days a week. I caught up with senior Brady Goins to hear his opinions about the walk.

Brady is a senior at Elder who has experienced this walk for the past three years. Brady went on to tell me that he loves the walk.

“It’s a good day for me. I enjoy getting out of the classroom and doing something for someone else. Twelve miles may seem long, but there is no limit when it comes to giving back to Elder,” said Goins.

He also added that he enjoys this time to be able to just walk and talk with his friends. “There are also plenty of food choices along the way, and what high school kid doesn’t enjoy food,” said Goins.

Now we all know it is walk season when we hear the infamous Mr. Brian Bill come over the announcements. It is very apparent that Mr. Bill loves what he does and is very enthusiastic about doing it. I caught up with him and asked him why he loves it so much.

“I am not a teacher, but I really do enjoy the times that I can interact with the students.  This is one of those times.  In addition, the proceeds from the walk provides a great opportunity to help others attend what I feel is the greatest high school on Earth,” said Bill.

Now many may not know what these proceeds are that Mr. Bill is talking about. The money we are all raising is split up between the tuition assistance fund and outside charities. 75% of the funds go to the tuition assistance program, and the other 25% goes to the outside charities.

“Elder has always done its best to not only take care of its own, but also to be a good neighbor and help others when possible,” said Bill.

As I’m sure many of you have the seen the great prizes we can all win by raising money for the walk. It is a great way to give back to Elder and get some cool prizes in the process. Of course the main goal is to achieve the $71,000 school goal for an off day.

If you haven’t started yet, get out there and raise money for your school. The first turn in-day is this Thursday, October 8th, so let’s get to work Panthers and raise some cash.