Bo Burnham in Cincinnati
In 2008, Bo Burnham, then only 18 years old, released his first Album called Bo Fo Sho, and was the youngest person to have a special on Comedy Central. Now, seven years later, Bo is going on his fifth tour, and for the first time, is coming to Cincinnati.
Bo first started getting popular when his YouTube videos that he shot in his bedroom, reached millions of views. His YouTube videos most often included him singing funny songs, accompanied by either guitar or piano. After grabbing the attention of young audiences and agencies alike, his popularity began to skyrocket. Releasing Bo Fo Sho, performing his first shows to large audiences, while still sticking to his roots and releasing YouTube videos, Bo kept his eager fans content.
Bo starred in his own TV show, Zach Stone is gonna be Famous, which was taken off the air after one season, but this was seemingly his only failure. Releasing both albums and poetry books, Bo got back on track and gained even more popularity after his special Words, Words, Words was released to Netflix. His next special What was released to Netflix and YouTube, which led to an even greater growth in fame.
Every time Bo released tour dates, I would eagerly check the list to see if Cincinnati was there. For each one, I walked away empty handed, until this year. When Bo announced plans for his new Make Happy tour, I was relieved to see that on November 10th, 2015, Bo Burnham would be performing (did perform) at the Aronoff Theatre. Within an hour of tickets being on sale, I had mine purchased and my schedule cleared.
Nearly all of Bo’s songs are either vulgar, satirical, sarcastic, or a mixture of all three. His poetry book Egghead includes “real” poetry, as well as comedic poems.
Along with Bo’s songs and poems, he does classic stand-up and monologues, addressing issues such as race, relationships, drugs and alcohol. According to some of his songs such as “Nerds” and “High School Party,” Bo was an extremely smart (shown in his lyricism) and “nerdy” kid in high school, even being the subject of bullying from people his age.
The show completely exceeded my expectations. Even Whitmer Thomas, the kid who opened for Bo put on a great show, the best being an impression of the singers for Blink 182. Bo cracked some jokes at the city of Cincinnati, and even got hostile with the crowd when a man in an orange shirt shouted “Who Dey! We’re 8-0!” Bo responded “So are we; I’m from New England, mother[freak]er.”
I talked to Liam Conway, junior at Elder, who was at the show with his girlfriend Alice, and he agreed that it was the best show that he has ever seen live.
To anyone who hasn’t heard of him or seen his stuff, I highly recommend checking Bo out. After seeing his five previous shows hundreds of times, I can confirm that it is a completely different experience. Next time Bo comes to Cincinnati, make an effort to snag a ticket. I guarantee it will be worth your money.

Bridgetown Skyline Master of Cheese, fan of Hawaiian shirts and drinking water, skilled with a frisbee and a camera alike. Second year on The Quill, 17th...