The sports version of “Where’s Waldo?”

The sports version of "Where's Waldo?"

If you are an average baseball fan, you might have noticed a man decked out in bright orange, Miami Marlins gear sitting behind home plate at almost every postseason game. Many fans are curious to know why this guy appears at every postseason game when the Marlins have already been knocked out of the playoffs and how he can afford to buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of postseason tickets.

Since Marlins Man is a very busy man, my various emails must’ve disappeared in his large inbox. I referenced a recent article from Mike Vorkunov from You can see his article here.

Laurence Leavy has attended over 550 major sporting events including 89 World Series games and 27 Super Bowls. The trademark outfit (highlighter orange Marlins jersey with a Marlins visor) debuted at the 2012 NBA finals game. Laurence decided to wear the outfit for no particular reason. After his hometown team (Miami Heat) came out with a big win, he was told by someone from the Heat organization that his outfit was good luck and to wear it to every game, so he did. That year the Heat ending winning the title. Laurence knew that he had to stick with the outfit.

That same year, his second favorite MLB team, the San Francisco Giants, made the World Series. He decided to wear that same outfit to each World Series games. San Francisco ended up winning the World Series. During those games, many employees dubbed him as “Marlins Man”.

Marlins Man made his way to the 141st Preakness Stakes

Many wonder how Laurence can afford to live this lavish lifestyle. When asked, his answer was short and sweet. “It’s because I don’t have a wife or kids,” replied Laurence. His most recent ALCS ticket costed him a hefty $8,000 according to the Miami Herald, and his World Series tickets are up to double that amount.

Although he seems to be at every major sporting event, Laurence always finds time to work while on the road. “I’m a lawyer who works on the internet,” he explained. “And I look at my real estate investments and my stocks and bonds and my horses — my daily reports.”

Marlins Man in his court-side tickets at the 2015 NBA Finals

Laurence said that he often uses frequent flyer miles to hop from city to city for each game. He travels around the country alone and is almost never home. He says that he hasn’t dated anyone regularly enough to take them around the country with him, but if he were to find someone, they would definitely have to be able to keep up with him. “Otherwise, how are they in my life?” he said.





Marlins man spotting at the 2015 World Series