Art Department prepares students for artistic careers
When walking down Elder’s main hallway, you may notice the artwork of various Elder Students. If your transcript has never included an art class, you’re probably unaware of the many projects going on in the art room.

Just as some of the athletes at Elder are preparing to continue at the next level, some of the art students are preparing to continue their art careers after their years here at Elder.
I talked to art teachers Mrs. Plagge and Mr. Buetsche who were both excited about this year’s graduating class of artists. They were both complimentary of all art students, not to mention those they plan to send off to college to study art. Mr Buetsche told me that there are five students looking to continue their art careers. “We have a really diverse collection of guys,” he told me.
Both Mrs. Plagge and Mr. Buetsche were extremely complimentary of the five students, not to mention all of the other art students. I asked how likely it was that these artists find work in their various artistic fields. “I would say all of them would be not just accepted into an art college or art degree, but I think that they would also excel in whichever one of those they choose,” said Mr. Buetsche.
Mrs. Plagge is very confident in the ability of these students. I asked if she thought that they could all find work in an artistic field, after college. “Yeah, I think so,” she said, “I think that’s what they’re all looking for.” She told me that even if they don’t follow a “fine art” career, they’ll still be able to go into “some kind of creative field that allows them to use their art skills.”
I’m lucky enough to share my third-period Drawing class with senior Alex Masturserio, who is looking to continue in the art field into his college years. He told me that he hopes be accepted into the University of Cincinnati’s Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) Program I asked him if he had any specific major in mind. “I want to go into either architecture or film-making,” he told me.
I asked him if there was a specific piece that he had done that was his favorite. “I’d say ‘The Noses of Cinema,’ that was really fun to do,” he told me.

Being in the art room, I get a good idea of what goes on, even if I’m only in there for 48 minutes. On top of the work that he has for his various other art classes, Alex, along with other students wishing to go to college in an artistic major, are vigorously working to put together their portfolios.
Being in the classroom with them as they collaborate with Mr. Buetsche and Mrs. Plagge gives me a whole new insight and a new appreciation for the effort that they put into their endeavors.

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