January crossword puzzle clues and solution

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January Purple Quill Crossword

Hello readers of the PRINT EDITION of The Purple Quill. Due to snow days and late stories added right around exam time, the page designers of our January edition deemed it necessary to place the clues for Cole Carle’s CROSSWORD here on our online site.

Here you go.

4. This trading exchange in NYC is the largest in the world (2 words)
6. This type of print is sometimes on Michael Hilvert’s purple Friday pants
7. Mr. Warren could be confused for this movie character (2 words)
9. Joe Lunardi is the king of this subject (This article was cut from this issue)
10. Senior editor who wrote the feature on Hockey star Matt Wall
11. Mr. Listerman’s double
13. TV show now available on NETFLIX
14. Mr. Klusman is a wise man of wisdom just like ____
17. Mr. Otten will enter this at the end of the school year
18. Mr. Arns resembles this character from Hangover (2 words)
19. They recently captured 10 Americans
20. The winning amount of this nationwide lottery was $1.5 billion

1. Current fun-loving QB for the Browns (2 words)
2. Hits the slopes at Perfect North (2 words)
3. the guy with the purple camo pants (2 words)
5. Cross country coach and NRA instructor (2 words)
8. Moderates The Purple Quill (2 words)
11. Mr. Clean’s twin in the Guidance Department (2 words)
12. Alex Mastruserio’s nickname
15. The Cincinnati sports curse is named after this athlete, injured
in a 1991 game (2 words)
16. The first of three states to confirm a lottery winner

Solution to puzzle: (click on image to make it larger)