The Rundown: Bracketology
The Rundown airs on the Purple Quill Network every month…ish. We try our best guys.

The crew returns to a computer near you. Photoshop by: Jacob Geiser
The crew of everyone’s favorite show, The Rundown, talks about college basketball and their insights on Bracketology. With the help of terrible camera work by Sam Middendorf, and distractions from the audience (Ben Dirr and Rocco Salamone) The crew put together one of the best editions of the Rundown yet. Stay tuned for the next edition of The Rundown with a guest star appearance to talk about March Madness.

My name is Jacob Geiser for those of you who don't know me. I ran Cross Country and Track for 3 years, am the Secretary on Student Council. I basically...

Purple Quill veteran. Firm believer in Seth Greenberg's "Pump-fake your way through life" strategy. Passion is writing about all things sports related,...