Seniors plan ahead
With the second quarter of senior year coming to an end, the seniors at Elder high school are almost done with high school. For some, they will be heading right to the work force or military, however, for most seniors completing high school just means time to move on to college.
College is much different than high school, as you get to pick your schedule and what you want to major in. As if this wasn’t hard enough, picking the actual college is usually what makes the students fret the most. Applying for college and making all the deadlines is a hassle but the seniors should be completed with that stuff by now. So now many are waiting for acceptance.
Some schools have already accepted and denied the perspective students and more and more emails and letters will fly in telling them of their admission. This puts an enormous amount of stress on the students as they get to see if they will be attending their dream school or not.
There are many beautiful colleges to choose from nowadays. Everywhere you go there seems to be a new up-to-date sprawling university within miles. This makes it easier and harder for the students to decide where to go because of the selection.
Students like Jonathan Tepe told me that he plans on either attending the University of Cincinnati or the University of South Carolina. “I really want to go to South Carolina because of the campus and the business school has a brand new building. UC is a fall back though in case I don’t get enough money to attend USC.”
Go big or go home is Tepe’s motto in his college search. Either he travels nine hours all the way down to Columbia, South Carolina or he heads 15 minutes to Clifton Heights, Ohio.
Connor Sullivan, however, wants to either attend Ohio University or University of Cincinnati. “OU is my number one school right now but if that doesn’t work out I will hope to get into one of the honors programs at UC.”
Sullivan told me his brother attends Miami University and his sister attends Ohio State University. They both like where they go, however, he does not want to follow in their footsteps.
Lucas Downey, a fellow journalism student, has many colleges on the radar and has no clue where he wants to attend. If he had to choose one out of the colleges he applied to, he tells me that he would love to be a Buckeye at OSU. Downey also applied and is waiting for admission at University of Alabama, Ohio University, University of Tennessee, and Mount Saint Joseph University.
The class of 2017 has a lot in store for them in the future from students attending Notre Dame all the way to Boston College. The class seems to be all over the map and everyone is scrambling to find the college that fits them best. Although all of these out of state and dream colleges don’t workout in the end, the class of 2017 has made an effort to branch out and see the world for themselves not just in Ohio.
The class of 2017 has great potential moving forward and all should be proud of their outstanding work ethic and high school careers. Although we are going to miss this place, cheers to moving onward and upward.

Lil nino from 79th. You don't buy a Lambo and leave it parked in a garage. It's way too easy.