Spring sports tryouts
As the spring season starts so does another sports season.

A birds eye view of the P.A.C. Home of the Baseball, Tennis, and Track and Field teams (photo taken from Pinterest)
Spring is in full swing here at Elder and with that coaches are holding tryouts for baseball, volleyball, track and field, lacrosse, and tennis. Tryouts for a sport can be joyful or disappointing. Tryouts can have a tremendous amount of pressure and stress on an individual. They can also bring out the hard work and dedication that is deep within the player.
Elder baseball is known for their 12 state championships and their most recent one in 2005. Last year’s team went 14-16-0. Not their best record but still an overall solid team.
I got the chance to speak with Brandon Meyers, a junior that plays baseball for Elder.
Meyers said that there have only been two rough days at tryouts but the rest were great. He also said that he is not worried about tryouts because the off season workouts got him comfortable with his coaches and teammates.
“The best qualities I have to offer my team this year is that I am hard working and vocal,” declared Meyers.
Meyers told me he would like to see the baseball team bring home a GCL title and make a run for state this season.
“I like all of our coaches because they know how to coach, they know what they are talking about, and they have personalities which is rare to find in a baseball coach,” stated Meyers.
Meyers also mentioned to me to keep an eye out for their fearless scorekeeper Bernie.
Elder volleyball is known for their excellent program and overall good coaching staff. In last year’s season the volleyball team went 23-6, winning a GCL title and winning a State Championship.

I had the opportunity to talk with David Daeschner, a junior that plays volleyball for Elder.
“The volleyball team at Elder is a lot of fun to play on. Everyone is friendly and it is just an overall good community,” stated Daeschner.
Daeschner told me that tryouts were going well but he has been sore. Daeschner revealed to me that he is not very nervous about tryouts, but he cannot be too cocky and that he has to have a competitive edge while trying out for his sport.
“I know for a fact that there will be at least six players showing up to tryouts but it is questionable,” said Daeschner.
Daeschner went on to tell me that the team this year is looking forward to being a contender for a GCL title and another state title.
“I believe my best qualities in this sport include being a good teammate and being taller than Cole Klosterman. So that’s good,” declared Daeschner.
Elder’s track and field team is known for their comradery, dedication, and hard work. The track and field team went 81-6-0 last season, with a second place finish in the GCL meet, and Robby Oswald coming in third at the state meet for pole vaulting.
I had the opportunity to talk with Alex Hils, a junior on the track and field team.
“I like that track puts me into good shape and I like to challenge myself to do better every time I run,” explained Hils.
Hils went on to tell me that there are no tryouts for track and that as long as you put the time and effort into this sport you will be excepted onto the team.
“Since this is my first year running I was a little nervous at first but all of the guys are great and took me in as one of their own real quick,” declared Hils.
Hils mentioned to me that he is looking forward to the meets, meeting new people, and making new friends. Hils went on to say that all of the coaches are really nice and that they really care about everyone that is on the team.
Elder’s lacrosse team is known for their great coaching staff, potential as a team, and the skills of all of the players. The lacrosse team went 10-9-0 last season and are looking to improve on that this upcoming season.

I had the chance to talk with Nick Hilsinger, a junior on the lacrosse team.
“I have been playing lacrosse since the third grade. Lacrosse is a fast moving sport and I enjoy that.” stated Hilsinger.
Hilsinger told me that the lacrosse tryouts went well and that the team is looking solid for the upcoming season. He also said that he was not nervous about tryouts because he has been on the team since Freshmen year.
“I believe having fun while playing lacrosse is my best quality as a player. You have to make the best of every moment because it is going to be gone before you know it,” explained Hilsinger.
Hilsinger mentioned to me that he loves his coaches and that he looks forward to seeing them just as much as seeing his teammates.
Last but not least the Elder tennis team is known for their zeal, dedication, and brotherhood. The tennis team went 13-5-0 last season and they hope to do something similar this year.
I had the opportunity to talk to Sam Halloran, a junior on the tennis team.
“I like how you can play anytime you want especially in the summer. I also like how you can play individually but also play as a team,” explained Halloran.
Halloran went on to say that tryouts start on Monday the 6th of March. Sam told me that he is hoping to make varsity this year and that he believes that the team can beat Moeller this year and hopefully win a GCL title.
“My best quality as a tennis player is that I am able to play well with a partner at doubles. It has been awesome to be able to play with someone else even when they are having a bad day,” stated Halloran.
Wishing all of the spring sports teams much luck and success this season. Go Panthers!

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott.