Elder’s most underrated club – Scrubs Club

Elder has various clubs that cover all sorts of interests and hobbies. From the Engineering club to the Euchre club, anyone can find their niche to have good times and meet new people. Sometimes clubs can be overlooked especially if the membership is small. One club that falls into this category is Coach Dickman’s Scrub’s Club.  Many people have forgotten about this great show since its final season in May of 2009, but a select few meet every Friday morning at 7 am to enjoy Turk and JD’s wacky adventures.

Scrubs was a show created by Bill Lawrence in 2001. It follows the story of JD a wacky medical intern on his way to learning medicine and moving up the ranks in a hospital while just dealing with everyday life. JD’s adventures always are crazy and filled with different daydreams.  Any normal grouping of words cannot do this show justice.

I ventured to Mr. Dickman’s room to find how the club started. He said he was not the first teacher to proctor Scrubs Club but Mr. Louis was. He did believe that Zach Groman and Keith Burns started it. They weren’t able to use Mr.Louis’s room anymore so they asked him since he was a fan. To this day he still holds the title of the Proctor of Scrubs Club.

After this conversation I rushed to Mr. Louis. He didn’t have too much to say but he did tell me he was a “big fan” when they asked him to proctor and he had to stop because of his Euchre Club.

I must admit that I am coming from a biased perspective. Along with Senior Ross Combs, I am the president of Scrubs. We have attended Scrubs Club for the past four years and would like to see it continued. We do not have very many people and would like to see more people in the seats. This show is incredible; it is mature and wacky funny at the same time. If you enjoy TV shows and comedies you need to show up Friday mornings at 7 am in Coach Dickman’s room 313 and help keep this tradition going.