Student Council proposes enhancements to Party in the Pit
Being in Mr. Quatman’s illustrious Senior Student Council homeroom definitely puts you on the inside looking out when it comes to school functions. Every pep rally, dance, and football t-shirt stems from the ideas brought to the table at the meetings held in said room. One of the many questions brought up in recent days was of Party in the Pit, the wildly unsuccessful dance that most upperclassmen know to avoid every fall season.
Without a doubt, Party in the Pit’s inception a few years back was a great idea; however, it lacked the structure that appealed to the student body.
There was good promise in the inclusion of dates and a DJ, but most guys ended up abandoning their dates for cornhole and the DJ had just a few people around him that first and only time I attended the event. Although, the bringing up of this event in our homeroom was paired with one word: improvement.
Indeed, the student council has met to improve Party in the Pit, and being in student council, I got the opportunity to hear the ideas they had and the proposals that interested Mrs. Tuttle, the organizer of the function. In other words, this is my teaser to you of what the new and improved Party in the Pit may be like this year.
Yea, that’s right. The “dance” aspect of Party in the Pit has been neutralized. Although, that is probably for the better considering the amount of dates that were absolutely ignored for the pleasure of pizza and cornhole between the guys.
The free food and drink were clearly a hit as well as the cornhole, but we definitely forgot a slept-on factor in the attendance of students the first few times: college football. To combat this, we decided on streaming games during the event, so you can still attend without missing out on watching your beloved Bearcats or Buckeyes (or Gators, chomp chomp) play that Saturday.
This is just another nice tweak to the function that could only increase attendance. Although we hope PITP is so fun that you just can’t leave, we had to be realistic and realize that people don’t want to hang around Elder all night. Therefore, it will be from 4pm-7pm on the TBD date.

I also took the time to speak with our president and vice president, Jake Langdon and George Sundrup, about the proposals brought up at this meeting and what we need in order to benefit from it:
“I think in order for it to be a success, we need guys from every grade to come out,” Langdon said. “It is one of the only events that everyone from every grade is invited to, so it should really bring the school together.”
They both spoke on the importance of getting as big a crowd as possible, saying that it can be truly enjoyed only if “all the fellas were in attendance.”
Sundrup said, “This is a great opportunity for the men of Elder to come together and spend some quality time with each other, strengthening bonds among students. The new format provides an event where everyone can have fun and find something to do with friends that he enjoys.”
To be sure, Party in the Pit has some big changes coming, which in turn are to make it much more enjoyable for Elder students and hopefully get attendance back to what it was those first days of its existence.
However, the date and these changes have not been set yet, so we may be getting even more upgrades to PITP. Stay attentive and watch out for Mrs. Tuttle’s announcement of the date for the event, and of course, get out there and party with your fellow Panthers. If you don’t, then we will never disprove Jacob Stamper ’22’s article about PITP’s success.

"Ooooo, Denzel Ward! You had barbecue back there? And you didn't invite me? Hurt. My. Feelings!" - Gus Johnson