Unwritten laws of Elder
Another year and another group of freshman and even a small gaggle of sophomores that think they know best. Well they don’t, they don’t even have a clue. I’m sure the new group of students are very tech savvy and can tell us all about computers, but when it comes to common sense they don’t have a whole lot of it.
For instance, a general rule of thumb here at Elder is to walk on the right side of the hall, just like when driving. Well as you may expect these fellow students of ours like to swim upstream and get caught up in a storm of upperclassmen. While walking to their next class underclassmen may feel the need to rush and go right through the door that was already open rather than take two seconds out of their sprint to open the correct door. This can be a real pain when I am casually walking through the door and get stuck by some big dude who decided it would be a grand idea to walk where I am. The last “housekeeping” rule is when walking up the stairs don’t think that it is okay to take up three rows and block people trying to go down.
Now for some of the classics. One, don’t walk on the seal. This is merely a sign of respect to our school and the people that have gone before us. Two, always sit in the cheering section at our sporting events. Not only should you sit into the cheering section but also there is a hierarchy to it. Freshman go to the top, sophomores right under them, Juniors second only to the seniors which have front row rights.
Third, and lastly, pancake breakfast is a must. Who would pass up one dollar flapjacks served up by the faculty themselves?
As for the parking lot I can handle the honking of horns and throwing things at friends’ cars, that’s just all for fun. When asking senior Randy DuVall about parking he stated, “Nothing is as bad as when I am trying to park and I have to wait for some freshman to get out of his parents car.” Furious from the waiting he added, “You see your parents all day after school there is no need for a long goodbye.”
Finally as with every year the underclassmen must respect their elders. Whether faculty or upperclassmen there should always be a respect level that permeates throughout the school.

My name is Ethan Duwell. I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party or I like to think of...