Perry rocks half time show
“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, floating in the wind?” as said in the controversial movie The Interview. Katy Perry is truly a pop icon and is ready to take on one of the biggest stages in the music industry, The Super Bowl Halftime Show. Bruno Mars took the stage last year and his performance was subpar to say the least.
Katy Perry has a tremendous amount of talent and was ready to show the world during the Pepsi Super Bowl Half Time Show. With songs like “Firework”, “Roar,” and “I Kissed a Girl”, Perry rocked the socks off of this half time show.
Perry sure did light up that stage. She entered the stage on a lion that she was standing on singing one of her hit songs “Roar”. Katy was dressed in an outfit that many people were angry about. There were bets being thrown around about what Perry would be wearing. Other bets included, what song would be played first and what color her hair would be.
After the song, Perry transitioned into the song “Dark Horse”. I thought this was a very neat song. The floor of the stage lit up and had shapes that appeared to resemble a chessboard. People dressed as chess pieces and danced around her as she sang.
Perry is the most followed person on twitter with 64.3 million followers and counting. With all of her fame on social media this show was a very big buzz on twitter and other social media sites. Many fans took to twitter and the internet to comment on the show.
Danny Lutz one of Perry’s biggest fans had a lot to say on the subject. “At first I didn’t think much of the show, but towards the end I looked back and I realized that I really did love it,” said Lutz.
After the song “Dark Horse”, Perry began singing “I Kissed A Girl” with the man that is everywhere, Lenny Kravitz. What looked to emulate The Hunger Games, with Katy dressed in a wardrobe decked out in flames. She and Lenny looked like Pita and Katniss from the hit book and movie series.
With Katy Perry hyping her this guest all week we were sure it would be someone great. Next out was Missy Elliot and we were all surprised about this one. They came out singing a remix to “Last Friday Night”.
Perry has performed 108 shows in her worldwide tour and she has performed in front of two million people combined on her tour. The audience for the super bowl show was roughly 113 million people.
Katy Perry sure did have her fans smiling, her background dancers consisted of dancing sharks, beach balls, and palm trees. She wanted her fans to be smiling at the end of the show and I think that she accomplished just that.
This half time show was a little different than others. With Katy Perry being such a pop sensation she was the perfect fit. In the past older bands have played and not many people knew the songs.
Katy Perry rocked the socks off of the halftime show. Her performance will go down in the books as one of the most unique and fun performances the super bowl has ever seen.

I am senior Sam Hauer. I usually bowl overhand, baseball is my passion. My business card says, "I'll call you." And my pillow is always cool on BOTH...