Elder Disc takes to the pitch
Elder’s hottest club is catching the student eyes’
Elder students pose the “limp” after an Elder Disc practice
Of all the new interesting features surrounding Elder High School, one has been raising eyebrows since students returned to school in August. A brand new club is taking Elder by storm, and whether you like it or not, it’s growing every day.
“I never would have imagined it would have grown this much, it’s really a great thing,” senior Sam Middendorf, creator of the infamous Elder Disc club said.
Elder Frisbee opened its doors to all willing members of the Elder community this summer, and since then, it has over 12 members who actively participate.
Among the members is Senior Michael Townsley, who said it’s a dream to be able to become a member. “Larry (Townsley) and I used to throw disc every week when I was little, and to be able to go out there and relive those memories is great.”
During summer, Elder disc came together and played several times a week on multiple fields throughout the west side. The team showed the world their skills, which included the no look throws/catches and the infamous diving catch.
Since school has started, the amount of times the club has met has slightly dwindled, but Mike Dirksing, co-creator, has a plan to keep the energy coming. “Once we create a schedule, it’ll be the hottest thing going on in the west side,” he told me.
Some call trying to create a schedule for Frisbee ludicrous, but Sam and Mike have already reached out and talked to several GCL schools, and a full slate of matches should be upcoming soon for the club.
When Senior Cody Kyle heard this news, he said he had to sign up immediately. “Not much experience throwing a Frisbee, but I just want to beat Moeller in another event, and I can’t wait for it.” In just a couple months, we could be hearing, “Doormats, doormats, doormats” from a loaded cheering section as Elder beats down LaSalle.
Besides the actual play, Elder Disc has created another controversial act that has some student’s aggregated and confused. Senior Danny Lutz, who often finds himself confused, says he doesn’t understand, and even hates the infamous “Limp Society” that has arisen from the club members. “Talk about something that doesn’t make sense, I see them in the hallways and want to slam them into a locker.” Harsh, Danny.
“Limping” has an interesting backstory, and we were lucky enough to be able to grab a chair and listen. Unfortunately, the members want to keep to story on the downlow, as it creates more interest and mystery with the club. As a respected journalist for The Purple Quill, we have to abide by their requests.
Whether you hate it or love it, the newest Elder club has been peaking student interest and has been creating massive amounts of chatter. There is one thing you cannot deny, even if you are a preferable “disc hater”. The internal fire that lights the club and its members is fiery, and the heights the club can reach are endless.

Purple Quill veteran. Firm believer in Seth Greenberg's "Pump-fake your way through life" strategy. Passion is writing about all things sports related,...
Donovan Hester • Sep 16, 2015 at 11:24 am
Thanks V #Reer
Vince Gilardi • Sep 16, 2015 at 10:21 am
Great points!