Photoshop masterpieces display talent and creativity

A gallery of Elder Photoshop offerings

As many of us already know, their is an abundance of creativity within Elder High School. Freshman year, most of us were introduced to Photoshop by a true master of the craft, Mr. Gary Rogers.

When asked about how Photoshop has changed mainstream media, Mr. Rogers responded saying, “Places like will investigate the validity of photos and if they’ve been photoshopped.  For example, the photo of former President George W. Bush going through the rivers of New Orleans playing a guitar on his boat after Hurricane Katrina was obviously a result of Photoshop. However, Photoshop, when used properly, is a great tool for creative people.”

Here are some of Mr. Rogers’ Photoshop works:

The 2015 Fall Sports Program cover

A gif of Frankie Hofmeyer


Now, we were supposed to make cool graphics and complex blends of pictures like Mr. Rogers. However, as you could probably guess, students began to use Photoshop as part of their own comedic arsenals.

Here are some of the notable works:

Caption: Senior Joe Weiner prepares for the 2015-2016 CYO season.

Artist: Alex Wertz ’16


Caption: Senior Mitchell Westerkamp throws up the peace sign with his main dude, Bill Nye.

Artist: Mitchell Westerkamp ’16


Caption: John Cena’s older brother, Gary Cena

Artist: Alex Wertz ’16


Caption: Top Gun 2, starring Mitchell Westerkamp

Artist: Mitchell Westerkamp ’16


Title: Elder baseball’s stunning Junior class…and Lord Espelage

Artist: Adam Keller


Caption: Bad Luck Mike

Artist: Alex Wertz ’16


Caption: Senior Sam Paff as a grandpa

Artist: Mitchell Westerkamp ’16


Caption: Fun Fact: Senior Adam Martini didn’t star in the movie, Straight Outta Compton, despite having a pivotal role in their success.

Artist: Max Dresmann ’16


Caption: Drew Mack attempts to escape the wrath of NBA Legend Shaquille O’Neal

Artist: Alex Wertz ’16


Caption: Junior Luke “Donald” Ruehl on the poster of his newest film

Artist: Adam Keller ’17

Overall, these Photoshop images really show how creative the young minds at Elder. While knowing their limits, these artists are great at getting laughs out of their viewers through the hard work and editing put in on their images.