Artist Spotlight: Max Merritt

For the month of the December The Purple Quill staff picked out an artist to highlight who has been a huge part of the art program. This month’s artist will be senior Max Merrit. Max is a graduate of St. Catherine’s and has been a part of the art program all four years at Elder. I was lucky enough to interview Max about his interest in art, and what the Elder art program means to him.
I asked Max what his favorite piece was and who inspired him through that favorite piece and he told me, “Although I enjoy working on ALL of my pieces, my painting inspired by one of my favorite artists, Gerhard Richter, was by far the most interesting to me. I enjoyed the process of starting with a single vision and seeing the piece completely warp into the “unexpected”.
When I asked Max when he realized he loved art he told me that he doesn’t remember when, but he only remembers the positive experiences through the Elder Art program. “I believe it has kept me going.” Max said.
“Through developing an array of skills, working on murals, and participating in critics with Mrs. Plagge and Mr. Buetsche.”
He told me that he has grown as an artist and as a person through the Elder Art program.
Merritt told me that he intends to major in either Urban Planning or Graphic Design depending on which colleges he gets into.
Most Elder students have an unbelievable talent when it comes to art. Every year I hear numerous students on the PA system saying that this student won this award and so and so. Max Merritt has been on that list. Max told me that one of his pieces was selected by Mr. Buetsche to be in the Mount St. Joseph University’s annual Selections show. He said that around 50 schools are a part of the show. He said over 100 works of art were submitted, and only four scholarships were offered through MSJ. He told me that he was also award a Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Achievement in Art at Elder’s Honors Banquet this past October.
“I have also been a part of two successful mural paintings. These included a Mural for the Crossroad Health Center West as well as the Price Hill Cincinnati Holiday on the Hill Window Painting Contest in which the Elder Art Department claimed first place, despite our window being destroyed by several kids in Price Hill shortly after the judging took place,” Merritt said.
All in all, Max is not the only talented artist in Elder’s Art program. Hopefully next month I can have another artist given recognized for how talented they are. People outside of the school know how good an athlete may be, students know how talented an athlete within the school is. But do they know how talented the artist are, or the band members are. The goal will be to give all students the recognition they deserve.

My name is Jacob Geiser for those of you who don't know me. I ran Cross Country and Track for 3 years, am the Secretary on Student Council. I basically...