Writer’s block, an epidemic that’s sweeping the nation

myself everyday in journalism class

myself everyday in journalism class

There is an epidemic hitting students everywhere. It claims even more victims than diseases such as ebola and senioritis. It hits and leaves you in a confused daze while hours of your life tick by unbeknownst to you. It called writer’s block, and I’ll show you what I mean.

I was excited to give my journalism class the pitch for my next story. I was approximately 10 seconds into my presentation when someone called out “it’s been done before.” I was upset but also prepared because I always have a backup waiting. When my backup story got shot down too it dawned on me, “there is nothing to write about.”

Last year Elder grad and Cincinnati Enquirer writer Adam Baum visited our class to tell about the world of journalism. He told us how he was constantly pushed for material to write about. He had to force some things out because of his weekly writing requirement. The same stands for journalist Mike Dyer. Mike visited our class earlier in the first quarter. The requirement for the class was to ask Mike questions and present it in article format the next day. When Mr. Dyer heard the requirement he said something along the lines of, “Wow, you guys have a whole night to write something, that’s a large amount of time in my world.” He once again stressed how it’s hard to find material to write about, especially when you have a requirement for a week or month.

Now, I’m not comparing myself to any professional journalist, but I am a student. All students are held to standards of writing that sometimes seem unfair.  Being a journalism student as well as just a regular student in writing heavy classes like English and government, It can be really hard to find material to write about.

We live in such a fast paced information world that people want everything right now, and sometimes delivering right now isn’t possible. All students and journalists experience this epidemic.

Let’s look at me for example. This article you’re currently reading is a piece of writing solely based on how there is nothing to write about. Everyone has experienced this in their life. In a world so full of knowledge it can be so hard to decide what to put down on paper. Every student I asked said they suffer this malady frequently. Senior Sam Barsan gave me a great couple thoughts on the topic.

“Although I’m not in journalism I’m still expected to write a lot in my classes. It can be very difficult to get original ideas on paper in cognitive thoughts.” said Barsan. “I can remember times where I’ve stared at my computer for hours just wasting my time because I can think of anything to write about.” It has happened to all of us.

Their certainly are strategies to beat it. Adam Baum recommended keeping a notepad on himself in order to be able to write down everything that comes to your head. My best recommendation to beat writers block is just leave it alone. If you can think of anything go for a

percent of students in the nation who suffer from writer’s block

run or walk or anything to get your mind off it. Then try and come back to it. This is the second semester of my senior year. I’m sure I’ve exhausted a good amount of my writing thought process. It will only get harder to keep the articles and essays flowing. Good luck to everyone who suffers from this disease. Hey maybe something good comes from writer’s block. You did just read an entire article on it.