About The Quill
The Purple Quill is published nine times per academic year by the students enrolled in the Journalism class at Elder High School. The Quill is the longest running student newspaper in Cincinnati. We are now publishing in our 90th year!
Content is determined by the staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Elder High School’s faculty, administration or student body. Signed editorials and columns reflect the views of the writer. Letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged and must be signed, although anonymity can be granted on a case by case basis. The staff reviews letters to the editor, advertising and guest commentaries and reserves the right to edit and refuse material. Reasons can include length, clarity, libel, obscenity, material disruption of the educational process at Elder High School or violation of copyright laws.
If you would like to submit a letter commenting on one of our stories, please send it to rogersgg@elderhs.net.
The online version of The Purple Quill debuted in January of 2012 with a simple cut and paste application of articles that appeared in our print edition. In the fall of 2012, The Quill went online in full force on the myHSJ.org platform and our writers were honored with nine national awards. During the time period we were hosted on the my.HSJ.org site we had over 100,000 page views.
In the fall of 2013 we changed our format yet again. Now hosted by SNO (Student Newspapers Online) we boast a new and exciting interface.
We recently added an archive of past PRINT ISSUES in an interactive PDF format that can be found in the menu at the top of our HOME PAGE. This will allow past and current students and alums to read stories that were previously not available online. This will be updated to include as many past issues as we can find in digital form. Currently we have found and posted most of the issues since 2011 and we will be working to make that list complete. Enjoy.