Fantastic Food Search: Season 2, Episode 1: Raising Canes
Collin and Nino embark on the second season of the Fantastic Food Search, as they travel to Clifton Heights and visit the newest chain of the legendary Raising Canes

It is only fair that we pay homage to those before us who traveled into the mysterious depths of Price Hill, Green Township, and other areas of Cincinnati, in search of the most fantastic food around.
On that note, shout out to Sammurai Middendorf ’16, Joe Weiner ’16, Rocco Salamone ’16, and all others involved in the creation and production of FFS.
If you live under a rock and weren’t lucky enough to see the first season of FFS, you can check them out here:
Episode 1: McDonalds
Episode 2: Chipotle
Episode 3: Skyline Chili
Episode 4: Elder’s Vending Machines
Here is the newest addition to the Search. With some help from Sam Otten ’17 and Lucas Downey ’17, Collin and Nino breached the borders of Clifton, grounds never touched by Elder men… until now.

Bridgetown Skyline Master of Cheese, fan of Hawaiian shirts and drinking water, skilled with a frisbee and a camera alike. Second year on The Quill, 17th...

Lil nino from 79th. You don't buy a Lambo and leave it parked in a garage. It's way too easy.