Elder’s Walk for Others

Elder students blanket the west side in the annual Walk for Others.
Every year at least one person you may know will say they spotted you walking somewhere in Western Hills and probably wondering why you weren’t in school.
That’s because of the walk that takes place every year just before Halloween. So a lot of Elder country residents might find kids coming to their doors one week early asking for a few bucks to support the Elder community and other various charitable organizations.
The history of the walk is one of the richest traditions at Elder that displays brotherhood, charity, and leadership towards the community. The walk began in 1974 which was the brainchild of a student council member who wanted to help out in the community. The walk ended up being a success and raised roughly around $20,000. The walk has changed quite a bit since 1974. Back then the walk was held on a Sunday and both Mercy and Seton high schools as well as grade schools were invited and the route was 20 miles long.
To really appreciate the walk you have to really know the numbers behind it. Monies raised help out almost 90% of the students with financial assistance so they can attend Elder without financial burden. When asking around Elder about the money the walk brings in, Mr.Bill said, “The walk really helps out the students here with tuition with 75% of the revenue going to Elder and Elder’s financial assistance program and 15% going to area charities.”
The area charities that Elder helps out are the Holy Family food pantry, St.Michael’s food pantry, Bethany house, Santa Maria project, Our Daily Project and many more.
Even though the money that Elder raises from the walk goes to most of the students tuition assistance, it’s still a little hard for us teenagers to get away from our computers, tv’s, Ipods and cellphones and go from door to door and collect money.
But with awesome prizes to win it makes it all worth it. If one turns in $90-99 he will receive a free card and an out-of-uniform pass. If one turns in $100 or more he will receive a walk t-shirt. For every $150 in donations collected one can earn one raffle ticket for a chance to win a $300 gift certificate. For every top money raiser in each class on each collection day, the top money raiser will win free lunch for a one whole week and an out-of-uniform pass. The top money raiser in each class receives $25 in gift certificates, free lunch for one week, an out-of-uniform pass, and two 2014 Coney Island one day passes. The top money raiser in the school will receive $50 in gift certificates, free lunch for one week, an out-of-uniform pass, and two 2014 Kings Island Gold Passes. Just from going door and asking for about $5 I’d say that’s not half bad.
Elder’s walk is always something to look forward to in the fall because it gets us out of class and it gives us a chance to really show the residents of Western Hills what Elder represents and what Elder means to the community. The walk is always a lot of fun because you can walk with your friends as well as stop somewhere and get a bite to eat at some well-known Elder stops such as Dunkin Donuts, Busken Bakery, Chipotle, White Castle, and many other favorites. When asking Mr.Bill what he thinks the walk shows about Elder, Mr.Bill said, “What walk?”, and then laughed and said, “The walk shows that Elder has a deep concern about the community as well as our own brothers.”.
The walk is always a good time to blind the west side with our purple and at the same time open their eyes to the charity for others and the brotherhood of Elder.

I am a senior at Elder. This is my first year on The Quill and I like to write. I specialize in sports and entertainment.