Basketball trick shots: Quill edition
Quill does trick shots
As the CYO basketball season is nearing an end, we at The Quill want to pay one last respect to the game before it is over.
With the help of two fellow Quill staff writers, we give the game of basketball a SportsCenter-worthy trick shot video. Nick Gillespie, Zack Williams (Sheen), and Carmine Domenicone (Elder basketball player) try to hit some crazy shots in the Field house.
About the Contributors

Nick Gillespie '19, Staff Writer
"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die." That's the motto I live by. You don't believe? You want proof? Bruh, when I write an article, "the ceiling...

Zack Williams '20, Staff Writer
10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain is 100% reason to remember the name-ZDUB-ZACK WILLIAMS....WHATCHA NAME! ELECTRIC...