Big man on campus
For those of you who don’t know who Tommy Kraemer is, he is the 6′-5″, 310 pound offensive tackle for the Panthers. He is turning heads not just of people in the stands but college coaches around the country. I decided to catch up with him to ask him a few questions about college and academics, here are some of the things he had to say.
I asked if the attention he receives affects his school work at all.
“I mean obviously there is some effect on me,” Kraemer said. “But for the most part no, it doesn’t affect me or my school work.” And by looking at his grades it seems that he is telling the truth because he has done exceptionally well.
I asked him when he started football, and this is what he had to say, “I started in seventh grade,” Kraemer said. He started so late because was over the weight limit.
When I asked him how it affects him on the field he had to think for a minute. “It is a lot of pressure. If I screw up I know that I have people watching me and depending on me. If I continue to make mistakes, it could make a bad impression if there is a scout watching me.”
Tom said that his most important goal, is to get his degree from Notre Dame and then go into the NFL. It’s looking like that goal of his is going to come true. Anybody as big as he is will turn heads. He man-handles kids out on the field.
There is no doubt that even if he has a bad game that the scouts will continue to come. Everybody has a bad game here and there. The scouts will be back no matter what. I mean if he is good enough to be a five star recruit, be ranked 18th in the nation, number one in the state at his position, and fourth overall, I don’t think the scouts will be going anywhere anytime soon. He will always have eyes on him.
Kraemer said, “Notre Dame is the best option that I think I have right now, I really like the offensive line coach, and the Notre Dame degree will take me far after my football career is over.” Kraemer has a pretty nice option to be able to choose from so many different schools.
If you type his name in on Google you will see the countless colleges that have been looking at him and offering him. Over a dozen schools have offered the giant linemen. Here are just a few of them: Notre Dame, Boston College, Northwestern, Louisville, Illinois, and Ohio State. In fact, on the weekend of September 6th Tommy attended the Notre Dame game. Tommy also mentioned that he will be attending the Notre Dame vs. Stanford game on October 4th.
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that he will be going to the school of his choice. He has everything anybody could want in an athlete. He is tall, he has muscle, and he is being noticed. I think any athlete’s dream is to go pro in a sport but less than 1% will ever make it. We have high hopes for Tommy Kraemer while he is at Elder and we will have expectations for him when he goes to the next level.