The force awakens

As we all know by now, Star Wars fans everywhere have waited and waited for the making of a new star wars movie, and finally, we received news that they have already filmed a new episode entitled Star Wars: The Force Awakens that will be in theatres on December 25, 2015.
They have already released two teaser trailers for the movie that seem to have the same set and characters, so don’t worry about too much being different. The plot will pick up where it had left off and fans are really excited to see the outcome after both of the teaser were released.
Rocco Salamone has been a life long Star Wars fan and can’t wait to see episode VII, “I will definitely see it the day it comes out. It looks like this will be the best one yet.”
Those who will want to see the movie better order their tickets from the local movie theatre near you as soon as they go on sale because you won’t be the only die hard fans waiting in line to see it. Many celebrities have chimed in and have exclaimed their joy on the arrival of this new film.
The Star Wars series has been the most loved science fiction movie series ever made and it’s not a surprise that they didn’t film any more movies. Considering that this movie is estimated to bring in up to 1.2 billion dollars, I would only assume they want to keep making more movies.
Junior Brian Smedley has been a Star Wars fan for sometime and like Rocco, Brian plans on watching this movie the first day it comes out. “I have been waiting for this movie to be released for quite some time now. Finally, after all these years they come out with another one.”
With the arrival of the movie also comes the arrival of an all new video game in, “Star Wars Battlefront III”. Star Wars Battlefront I and Star Wars Battlefront II were big hits and gamers worldwide will all wait in anticipation to play this new game with new characters and updated maps. The Star Wars Battlefront series has been a huge hit in the video game world and this new game is projected to top off all the charts.
The release of the new Star Wars movie will inspire a lot more Jedi apprentices around Elder High School to continue to train and finally become what is known as a Jedi- one who has mastered the force. This Star Wars will bring back the Star Wars feel and mood that we all miss and hope to bring back.

Lil nino from 79th. You don't buy a Lambo and leave it parked in a garage. It's way too easy.