Where will you spend your wing night?

The question is ongoing. What restaurant has the best overall wing night? Many factors go into this decision including: Price, quality of wings, service, and atmosphere. Elder students love hitting up wing night, it varies which restaurant is the best.
I’m only interviewing proponents of the big three. Quaker Steak, Bdubs, and Wild Mikes. Sorry Tito, Champions is irrelevant.
Representing Wild Mikes was wing enthusiast Sam Paff. Sam started the interview with an enthusiastic “Who Dey.” Samuel regularly hits up Wild Mikes on Shady Lane with the guys on Wednesday nights.
“I enjoy getting a bunch of chill bros together to enjoy some luscious wings and do bro things.”
Sam gets the “average order or 30 Mike’s hot mix.” When asked why Wild Mikes is his go to and the overall best place to spend wing night Sam didn’t old back.
”He added, “The deals are killer and there’s no better bang for your buck when it comes to wings.” Sam’s right about that. At 65 cents for a wing it’s hard to compete.
I then hit up the elusive Nick Burgasser who was advocating Buffalo Wild Wings. Nick likes Bdubs especially because their wing night deals are based on the traditional wings.
“I don’t mess with boneless crap, so you know I’m hitting up Traditional Tuesdays.” Nick starts off his meal spinach artichoke dip. Then he digs right in with an order of 25 Buffalo wings. “Then I wait about five minutes and order my ultimate nachos to finish off the meal.”
I asked Nick why Bdubs is number one in his book. He replied, “even though only the wings are discounted I feel comfortable enough with the wait staff and the establishment to splurge a little and buy the different kinds of food there. I love the wings, but it’s the appetizers and desserts that keep bringing me back.”
For my next interview I had to find someone loyal and with enough heart to drive out to Quaker Steak every week. That man is none other than Cody Kyle. Cody himself works in one of the finest restaurant establishments on the Westside at Chipotle. So it takes a special kind of flavor to tingle Cody’s taste-buds.
Cody usually brings his BFF James Grote along for the ride. Cody’s go to is the full bucket which is about 30 wings in itself.
“After a long day of school work and extracurricular activities we can easily down those bites of sauce covered protein,” said Kyle.
I asked Cody, “What makes Quaker Steak worth the drive for you?” He responded, “The drive is part of the experience. It’s almost like a mini road trip that builds up your craving for wings. Then when you finally get there it’s like you’re in heaven. Oh and I also just think their wings taste the best.”
That’s just the opinion of three Panthers. Go out and try them all (even champions) and find out which one is your go to for wing night.