MLB investigates Chapman case

A domestic violence incident withholds Reds reliever from joining the Dodgers

An October 30 conflict between Reds closer Aroldis Chapman and his girlfriend is holding up a proposed trade that would send Chapman to the Los Angeles Dodgers for two prospects to be named later.

The MLB is not holding up this trade because it’s up to both teams as to how they want to continue this transaction.

The incident occurred in Chapman’s home in Davie, Florida when his girlfriend addressed and questioned him about something on his cell phone. Chapman then proceeded to fire off eight shots in his garage. His girlfriend claimed that Chapman also started to choke her. Chapman admitted to firing off the eight rounds but denied all allegations of choking his girlfriend.

When the police arrived, no arrests were made due to inconsistencies in both of their stories and also the lack of physical evidence, but with the MLB’s new domestic violence policy, Chapman could be fined and/or suspended by MLB commissioner Rob Manfred.

On Monday night, The Boston Globe reported that the Boston Red Sox were interested and looking into trading for Aroldis Chapman, but soon backed away after reviewing the recent domestic violence incident.

Chapman’s one year, $8.05 million contract runs out at the end of the upcoming 2016 season, and it’s clear that the Reds are looking to trade Chapman before his contract is over. The Reds also know that the chances that Chapman resigns with the team is slim to none, so they want to ship Chapman off so they can gain prospects in return.

Many fans were very upset with the fact that the Reds are only trading for prospects, but lifelong Reds fan Matt Dugan was ecstatic. “Fans have to understand that the Reds are in a rebuilding stage,” Dugan explained. “[The Reds] are going to be terrible for about five years, and fans are going to have to accept it.”

Reds fan Ryan Browne commented on Chapman’s domestic violence allegations. “It’s really embarrassing. [Chapman] knows that he is a professional athlete and should act like one,” said Browne. “This incident gives the organization and the whole city a bad name.”

It’s hard to push aside the mass numbers of professional athletes running into trouble with the law nowadays. According to, from 2010 to 2015, there has been an average of 5,351 accounts of athletes breaking the law per year. Back in 1998, there was only an average of 1,000 charges leveled against athletes.

Arrest rates across pro sports leagues

The increased crime rate of athletes is rising as many athletes morals and reputations are slowly crumbling which is the exact opposite of what is acceptable.